GIMP CC3+ Editing

Hello guys. As some of you may know, I'm trying to edit a BW CC3 map and colorize it with GIMP. Does anyone know how to change the color of a small SELECTION on GIMP. The only things I am able to do are change the color of the entire image. I want to make the trees green, the mountains brown/black, etc. Anyone? Thanks


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited March 2019

    I'm guessing wildly here, but from what you say I get the feeling that you are not a regular GIMP user?

    The first thing to do is add a new layer above the base map so that you aren't working directly on your base map. That should remain unchanged as black and white as it started out. On the new layer I would suggest that you add a parchment fill with the bucket tool (or import a piece of parchment as a new layer to overlay the map), and change the mode of that layer to "Multiply" That will add the colour and tone of the parchment to the black and white map, and give you a more forgiving surface to colour in.

    Next, add another layer on top of that, and also set the mode of that third layer to multiply. It is this layer that you need to add the colour to, which you will have to do by literally painting it on with a brush, and by picking the right colours from the colour mixer.

    If all that sounds a bit frightening I can do screen shots for you.

    Unfortunately they won't be appearing all that quickly because I'm extremely busy with a project for Profantasy, a course I didn't expect and didn't want, and a massive tidy up ready for the landlord's unofficial inspection on Monday.

    I do hope that you are able to make at least a bit of head-way based on what I have already suggested.
  • Thanks Loopysue. No, I'm new to GIMP. Whenever you have time, you could put in those screenshots. No rush. I honestly do better, as I did with joe, when I read the directions over and over until I get it. Thanks again.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited March 2019
    Ok then :)

    And since it was my idea that got you here, I'll get you started at least. This comment will be edited over the next half hour to make it complete

    (apologies to the admins here, since I am short of time and don't have the time to crop the following shots to recommended size for the forum)

    Here is the OneDrive address of a few bits of parchment I have previously shared for people to use. Take as many as you want.!AgJAv-rukPfHpWvcs0vTsUszDACZ

    I would recommend that since you wish to paint colours on top of it, you use either 02, or 06, since anything darker will make the whole map look rather too dark with the added colour (it will darken the parchment quite significantly).

    1. If you haven't already found it, when you open GIMP go to Windows --> Single Window Mode, so that you can see the same thing as I'm showing you in the shots.


    2. When you have downloaded the one(s) you like, open your GMIP file and go to File --> Open as layers, and open the parchment as a new layer into the GIMP file, over the map. This will cause the map to vanish for a moment before you do the next couple of steps.


    3. Right click the new parchment layer where it appears in the window to the right, and pick 'Layer to Image size'. This trims the parchment to the same size as the map and gets rid of any unnecessary burden caused by its size (these parchments are BIG)

    4. Above those little pictures of the two layers in the file, there is something called the Mode. With the parchment layer still active click the Mode dropdown and pick 'Multiply'. Your map should now look like this


    5. Now you are ready to add the third layer, which you do by clicking Layer --> New Layer, and making sure the new layer is set to Transparent in the dialog that opens. Ok the setup and the new layer will be created invisible on top of the parchment.


    6. Set the Mode of the new layer to 'Overlay', make sure its the active layer, and pick the brush tool, a suitable colour, and just... start painting.


    Useful tips: It's easier to paint if you use the very soft edged simple round brush. You don't need to use any fancy sponge brushes, since the parchment will give you the texture and stop the colour looking dead and flat. To zoom in and out like I have in the last shot, hold the CTRL key down and scroll the mouse wheel.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Remember to save your GIMP file in case you want to change anything later. To get a jpeg or png image from all of this you will need to export the image using File --> Export As... the dialog looks complicated, but its not really. Just type a file name, make sure you are in the right folder for where you want to save the image, and click OK. A second smaller dialog will appear asking you for settings for the chosen file format. Just click OK. The defaults are fine.

    I will keep an eye on this thread over the next couple of days, and I will answer any questions you have when I can, but it might not happen immediately :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    You can also add a second colour layer with the same mode if you've already painted bits like the mountains and forests on the first layer and don't want to have to paint around them. I did this in 30 minutes. The painting is shockingly scruffy, having been done for the most part with a brush the size of a mountain and just scribbled on all over the place, but it still somehow kind of works because Par Lindstrom's linework is so beautiful.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    6 minutes to spare before I'm off for the day!

    Just thought - if your exported map is larger than 6000 px in either direction the parchments will be too small. They don't tile, but don't be discouraged. There's another folder with tiling parchments, and I'll teach you how to load them into GIMP as fills (providing you are using GIMP 2.8 - I can't handle 2.10, its gone a bit nuts compared to 2.8).
  • Sue... wow. Thanks so much. This forum is proving to be more helpful everyday. I cannot describe how thankful I am. That must have taken a lot of work. Thanks SO much.
  • SkidAceSkidAce Traveler
    And to think all these years, I have been magic wand capturing a section I wanted to recolor, and fiddling with hue and saturation. Wow.

    Thanks Sue...I will be testing this myself.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    You're welcome :)

    It didn't really take that long. About an hour, and most of that was diddling around getting confused as to which of the images I had open was which (the actual test map and the set of screen shots I had already taken from it) while writing the instructions down and putting them all in the right places.

    The thing to remember is that you preserve the linework and the basic texture layer (the parchment) no matter what, and work on overlays above those two things. This is how most of the PS maps are made (only a PS mapper will usually draw all the lines). There are variations, of course, since PS is probably capable of a great many more things than GIMP 2.8 (I expect so anyway, since they would have to justify the price). There is only a very smudged line between a PS map and a CC3 map if you start to get involved with this method - what I call 'multimedia mapping', but which is probably more accurately described as a very heavy amount of post processing in GIMP. ALL the lines dividing the methods are pretty fuzzy when you get down to the real nitty gritty ;)
  • I'll be trying this later on in the day - I have a book map I still need to work on. I'll let you know if I have any questions.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    The real beauty of this is that you can choose to use the Black and White version of the map within the text of the book (which is much clearer on that blotting paper they print the pages of a book on these days), or the colour version for a glossy pull-out or a glossy book cover for your book. Colour can look really dreadful on paper that is too absorbent.
  • Its working well so far except for one thing, and its mostly my fault - I can't manage to find a satisfying color. From the image in the other discussion, I want a mountain hue kind of like that. You see how they have black shades? Is there some kind of effect like that in GIMP, or do I have to attempt it by hand? Just wondering. Thanks again.
  • Second question: Is there a way to select only the SEA. I can't use a fuzzy or color select because its still the same color as the land right now. Thanks again.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited March 2019
    Then you need a shading layer (which is the only thing missing from the technique described above from what would constitute a basic PS map)

    Its very easy - don't worry. There's really only one instruction.

    1. click on the parchment layer to make it active, and add a new transparent layer (which, having just been added, will automatically become the active layer). Turn the mode to Multiply, and the transparency on the slider bar just below the mode setting to about 50%, then start drawing your shadows in with black.

    This is a quick mock up I made without the shadow sheet (I accidentally closed everything last night without saving any of it, so the colours are completely different today)


    And this is with a few shadows drawn in on the new sheet


    As for the colours - colour theory is really complicated. Its better just to judge by eye what you like and what you don't like. But if you have a colour that isn't quite right and don't know how to adjust it ask yourself three questions. 1 - is it actually the right hue (should it be more towards red/yellow/blue etc), 2 - is it too dark or too light, and 3 - is it too bright and 'glowy', or rather a lot too greyish and dull.

    Then open the colour picker and adjust the position of the colour picker accordingly.

    Second question - no, there isn't. This is a new GIMP file that doesn't contain any of the information you had in your CC3 file other than the visible effects of all the sheets seen together on export. There's no sea mask. I just painted mine in on the example. Its not so hard with this style - the lines are nice and bold and smooth.
  • Thanks so much Loopysue - don't know what I'd do without this help.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited March 2019
    That's ok :)

    It wasn't a problem - and really not that much effort on my part.

    You might need to use the smudge tool to soften the edges of the shadows ;)
  • Good news Sue - I’ll probably be done by Tuesday. I just had one question about the colors. With the parchment backgrounds, the colors change. I can’t get a black color - it turns to brown. Anyone? Thanks.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Either increase the opacity of the shading layer, or if that damages the setup add another new shading layer - a twin to the existing shading layer with the same setup. Draw more black on that. If it goes too dark with both the shading layers together (they're both 50% opacity and have the potential to go completely opaque in combination), play with the opacity of the new layer until you get it right.

    Be careful how dark you go. Too much black in a colour image can make it very dingy - suitable for a dungeon map, maybe, but this is an overland map. Also darker colours often don't look very good when printed out. Try to stick to the top 75% of the total shade range (apart from the linework that is). It could be that you have your lightest colours too dark on the colour sheet which might be forcing you to go ever darker to get enough contrast between the lightest parts of the map and the darkest parts.

    I can't really be much help until I see what you mean.

    It's not a precise science. Play around with the mode and opacity on each of the colour and shading sheets a bit (remembering to experiment on a copy of the main file so you don't lose it by wandering too far away from the original settings.
  • 8 days later
  • Trying to upload a PNG file... I keep getting an error on this forum saying this file type isn't supported. Help??
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    That can sometimes happen if its too big?

    Can't remember how many MB exactly, but I think the limit is somewhere around 1MB. The width is supposed to be no more than 1024 px, which is why I apologised for images that were larger than that above.

    Try reducing the pixel size, and converting it to jpg. Most jpg files of 1024 px in width are ok unless they are very tall.
  • Never mind - I fixed it all. Anyways, this is the GIMP editing thing I've worked on a little. I finished it last week, but I've been relatively busy with other maps. Here it is... its not very good - just a test to see if GIMP would fit my needs.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    It's actually pretty good for a first try :)

    If you want to take it further I would suggest practicing with just one colour sheet set to overlay and play around with it so that you get used to what overlay does to the different colours you add to the map.
  • 5 months later
  • edited September 2019
    I have a XP-Pen Artist 12 Pro Art Tablet with Screen and use it in gimp for drawing and photo editing . drawing directly on screen is cool! Gimp is free and I don't need anything better.
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