City Marker
Hello everyone.
I was wondering if markers like these came WITH CC3+ or any of the annuals, or if they are just custom markers put in. I found it in multiple gallery images, and this is one of them. Does anyone know where I can access these markers? Thanks.
I was wondering if markers like these came WITH CC3+ or any of the annuals, or if they are just custom markers put in. I found it in multiple gallery images, and this is one of them. Does anyone know where I can access these markers? Thanks.
I would say they are simple shapes drawn originally using the shape primitive tools on the right hand toolbar (draw rectangle, draw circle) using different colour solid fills.
Once you have drawn one you can clone it, or turn it into a simple vector symbol.
Take that black-red-black circle symbol. All you need to do is turn on the snap grid, draw a solid black circle 3 snap points in radius, a red one on top of it 2 snap points in radius, and finally another black circle 1 snap point in radius. It will probably be way too large, of course, but make the three of them a group and scale the whole thing down to whatever tiny size you want.
My method is an 'off the top of my head - how I would do it without reading the Tome' method, and may be different to official methods for such things.
I had just seen the same symbols in multiple maps, and I figured it was part of an FSC file set or something like that. I'll just make it from scratch. That's fine. Thanks!
When its something simple like that, its just as easy to make them, though
As Loopysue said, these are vector symbols that can be rather easily created if you do not own the Annual.
Even the annual no 145 does contain that type of symbols (CA145 Structures.FSC)...