Reinstall Bundle

Good afternoon,

For the second (third?) time in the last year, My Windows has thrown a fit of some sort, requiring me to re-install the OS, which requires me to reinstall a bunch of stuff including all of my profantasy stuff.
As I know you know, this can be a HUGE chore with all of the downloading etc.

Has anyone ever thought of offering some sort of larger download that could take care of a bunch of content all at once? Some folks don't have the bandwith, but many do.

The Vintyri, and Bogie stuff complicates matters even more. I've got cash money(!) that I would offer to anyone who could simplify things.

Is there a simple way that I'm missing?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I use Download Manager, which sets up two download threads per processor - as many as you have. It only takes about 10-20 minutes for me to download each of the top three, and less for each of the rest. (time varies depending on how busy the network is)

    Its not a free app, but the price is peanuts compared to the struggle it used to be before I got it.

    Making one vast bundle of everything wouldn't make the slightest difference to me because of DM.
  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler
    edited January 2019
    Thanks for the reply. I guess I'm thinking of something along the lines of ninite, where I select everything I want, and then it wraps it all up into one package. Then after it is downloaded, it is a single click to install everything in one big swoop.

    EDIT: As an update, I have 33 items in my download folder! (Basic time to install) x 33 = much time!
  • I recommend buying a external harddrive where you can store all your downloaded software.
    Then it just the time for installing the things you need to bother with.
    And maybe any new small update that you need to download.
    Atleast that is what i do.
  • Thanks for the reply.

    It's not really the download time. It's the install time. If I could just click once and let it go and come back later, it would be better. But as it is I have to sit and wait to click "next", enter key, "next, for most of the downloads.
  • pool7pool7 Traveler
    I know it's been mentioned before, so I'd suggest you send an email to ProFantasy Support, so they see more people want this, and hopefully implement it at some point.

    I think no one created this before (ie. outside of ProFantasy) as it may be a grey area on legal matters (can you trust a 3rd party using your Serial Numbers for installation? Are you sure they're not being "stolen" in the process? etc)
    Maybe, just maybe, you could look for an automation software that can easily record clicks and text input, and use it during a full install; then you'll have it ready for next time you reinstall. I'm not sure how well this kind of softwares work, but worth giving it a try.
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