Making own full styles

Hi everyone,

I looked up stuff and tried my best but I can’t get my own fill styles working. I really want to be able to make my own fill styles. Please help!



  • Are you importing them into your maps? to do this, go to Tools then Import Bitmap Fill Styles.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    You need to create one or more swatch of seamless texture and save it/them as PNG files within the Bitmaps folder - preferably in your own subfolder so that your fills never get mixed up with the CC3 assets or overwritten by an update.

    Having done that bit you then open CC3 and use Tools/Import Bitmap fills and locate the folder where you saved your bitmap fills using the Browse button in the dialog that pops up.

    Leave most of the settings as default, but check the "Create other resolutions" check box (you only ever use this ONCE - the first time you ever import your fills) And set the scale of your fills. Don't worry if you can't work out what scale they should be because you can adjust it from within CC3.

    Then ok the dialog and wait for CC3 to tell you that it has imported your fills.
  • Thanks for your help that worked great! Just one more question if thats ok? How can I adjust the scale of the fills after?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Fill scaling is done from the fill style dialog (Bitmap files tab). Just pick any fill style, make sure "Scaled" is checked, and set the desired scaling.
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