Eternal Blizzard Expansion (Northern Mahdran & Guratos)
I wanted to post the northern expansion of the world map I previously posted. This is the realm of Northern Mahdran and Guratos the large island north of it. I typically work on things in order but I just had this vision in my head of these lands that I had to work on! This is actually my Expansion 2 world map called "Eternal Blizzard" (Working Title). Next, I'll post Expansion 1 World map "Beyond the Attican Wall."
*Legend for each Text*
Pink = The Free Peoples of the North
Red = Wilderness
Yellow = Dungeons
Green = Raid Campaigns
Purple = World Wonders
Brown = Unexplorable Zones (Seas, Mountains, Lakes)
*Starting Cities*
Ness Ague
*Racial Cities*
Attarudon = Attaru
Ghisvae = Human & Elven
Tharkanar = Kingdom of Drwarves
Celminas = Elven
Ness Ague = Human
*Expansion Race*
Attaru = Bear race (Polar, Grizzly, Blue and Black Bears)
*Map Graphics do not reflect desired in game graphics*
I have provided a link as well for a higher zoomable resolution image.
*Legend for each Text*
Pink = The Free Peoples of the North
Red = Wilderness
Yellow = Dungeons
Green = Raid Campaigns
Purple = World Wonders
Brown = Unexplorable Zones (Seas, Mountains, Lakes)
*Starting Cities*
Ness Ague
*Racial Cities*
Attarudon = Attaru
Ghisvae = Human & Elven
Tharkanar = Kingdom of Drwarves
Celminas = Elven
Ness Ague = Human
*Expansion Race*
Attaru = Bear race (Polar, Grizzly, Blue and Black Bears)
*Map Graphics do not reflect desired in game graphics*
I have provided a link as well for a higher zoomable resolution image.
And underscoes '_' should work better than hyphens '-'. I used to hand code all of my web sites.
edit: fixed some typos.
- Lack of rivers. Their absence looks a bit unnatural. I would guess that there would be some rivers in-game in your MMORPG?
- Fill scale. Some fills, such as the ocean is a bit repetitive. I would recommend tweaking the scaling of this fill a bit from the fill style dialog, increase the value to something that doesn't repeat quite as much. This also applies to some of the land fills.