Hex maps and coastlines
I can't seem to find any information about how to make a hex map where the hexes don't pass over the coastlines. I tried playing around with sheets but of course you'd need to put the hex symbol sheet above the sea sheet but below the land sheet, which is obviously impossible since the sea sheet has to be above the land sheet. Any ideas?
Another thing I'm having trouble is how to resize a map area that you started out with too big.
Another thing I'm having trouble is how to resize a map area that you started out with too big.
To resize the drawing area, just use the Resize Drawing Area command from the file menu. When reducing the area, it will remove from the top and right, so put your entities in the lower left. (Note that it only resizes the drawing area (map border, background, screen), it will leave the rest of your map alone.
I have been working on a Tunnels and Trolls world map, and local maps in hexagons as the game is based on that type of map.
Problem is the coastline, demarkation between plains and forests, etc. What I did was let the hex symbols show where the coastline, etc. was located.
But I have started making 'regular' maps with a hexagon grid. That way I can show partial hex areas with both ocean and land in the same hexagon.
I can't believe I missed the resize command. I thought I'd seen it somewhere and was looking for it again for about an hour. Probably just too tired.