Were to get real Earth coastlines and rivers for editing in CC3+?
Hello, I'm just starting on this, but I bought the programs just for the purpose of making an alternate Earth setting, so I need the coastlines, rivers and lakes of the existing Earth.
I understand there are already completed maps for this sort of thing. Where can I find them?
I understand there are already completed maps for this sort of thing. Where can I find them?
Is it possible to make those maps look like the Mike Schley templates?
As the PDF mapping guide for that issue of the Annual describes, if you also have the Fractal Terrains ProFantasy program (FT), you can convert various types of real-world map data available online into FT formats using FT, and then export them as something you can work with in CC3+. In essence, this is how those outline FCW file maps that come with this issue of the Annual were generated - specifically for people who don't own FT.
1) Import hi-resolution data this link: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/global/relief/ETOPO1/data/ice_surface/cell_registered/binary/
2) I use that to generate the world in FT3
3) I zoomed in to view just Europe, North Africa and Western Asia and set the projection to Hammer.
4) I exported that to CCW3+ as a single file, just coastlines
5) I opened that new map in CCW3+
6) I used the Info > Distance tool to measure the map top to bottom and left to right.
7) I opened a new instance of CCW3 and created a new map based on the Mike Schley template and set the size to the same dimensions.
8) Back to the 1st map, I used the copy button > right click to choose copy to clipboard option
9) Back to the new map, I clicked paste and then tried to line up the ghosty outlines of the old map into the box of the new map.
It seems to have mostly worked. The scale seems correct and the water sections are the same as from the Mike Schley template, but the landmasses are still the same bright green as the original.
How do I fix that? Do I have to retrace the entire world?
If this is a CC3 map that bright green will be a polygon on a sheet somewhere, even if its just the background and a map-sized rectangle.
First step is to find out which sheet its on by hiding all the sheets and revealing each one in turn till you get the green. Having isolated that sheet hide all the other sheets so that you can select all the green polys without catching anything else by mistake. Then use the change properties button to change the fill of those polys to your chosen land fill.
Thanks for the link!