Rooms other than Square
Is there a video thats shows the steps to making round rooms? I would like to make a tower with various floors, looking for a video to help with this, thanks for any and all help
Which Add-no are you using for this? Is it Perspectives, or is this a straight dungeon map with several levels done in DD3?
If you are using DD3, there are several helpful tutorial videos done by Joe Sweeny covering all the basics of room construction, including one showing how to draw round rooms and arc-shaped alcoves here on YouTube:
If it is Perspectives you are using, then I have to admit that although I own the add-on I haven't yet used it enough to know of many specific tutorials for constructing a multilevel round tower, but I am sure that there are some out there that others can recommend
But do a search for 'odd shape room' and select comments. You should see results for my maps using multipoly. room method. I made hour glass rooms, half circle rooms, odd shaped rooms.