Going from FT3 Demo to Pro

Hello there,

After obsessing over Fractal Terrains 3 for the last couple of weeks I have bought the Worldbuilder's package. I'm wondering if its best to uninstall the demo and do a fresh install of pro, or do you just update the demo to the most recent version.

Really looking forward to losing the respect of all my friends and relations while being chained to my desk, by the way. Love FT3 and I'm hoping the other products are just as good.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Not sure, since I haven't touched the demo in ages, but I would probably just uninstall it.

    And the other products are just as good, but CC3+ (with add-ons) is a very different beast than FT3 is. Both in scope, and how they function.
  • I just went ahead and did a fresh install, and its working well. I'm aware going in that they're different things... my hope is to map out a world reasonable close to the one I've generated. I went through the majority of Joe Sweeney's beginning tutorials last night, and actually put together a decent map, though its full of things that I'll have to find some way of changing.

    Thanks for your response!

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