Change CC3 file type to TIFF

I want to turn my CC3 map into a different file type so that I can send it to someone who uses photoshop (which does not support CC3 files) and they can edit my CC3 map for me. How do I achieve this?

Is it possible to change the CC3 file type to TIFF or another format?

Do I need to save it as a BMP or other file type first, and then use a file converter program to go from BMP to TIFF?

If so how do you do this (please be very step-by-step in your answer and keep it as simple as possible, I'm an novice at CC3)

Do I make the change before I start adding symbols to the map or once the map is complete?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Hi Cosmos :)

    The way CC3 works bitmap images like JPEG, PNG and BMP are created using the Save As... menu item under File.

    We call this rendering, or exporting the map.

    1. Click File/SaveAs…
    2. From the "Save as Type" dropdown box pick one of the BMP, JPEG or PNG options
    3. Click the Options button in the same dialog, and set up the export to the desired resolution etc
    4. Set the folder and give a name to the file to be exported.
    5. Click OK

    To convert the BMP/JPEG/PNG image to TIFF format you will need to open it in an image editor, like PS, or GIMP.
  • Josh.P.Josh.P. Traveler
    You would need to Save As a PNG or JPG in order to open it with photoshop and save it as something else from there.
  • using a image editor I seem to have problems locating my CC3 map in order to load it into the image editor. How come?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Where did you save your exported image to?
  • edited August 2018
    It should be under Drive C: Profantasy, but its a file and when I try to use the converter it only shows me folders from Drive: Profantasy. Where should I save it too? (edit: I just saved it to pictures and will try the file converter again.)

    Edit: After saving it under pictures I was able to convert it to a TIFF file.

    My next question is: Can I continue to edit this map using CC3 or do I wait with changing the file type until the map is complete?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Its probably a better idea to save all the things you make somewhere in your Documents folder, like all the other stuff you do. Not good to clutter up the PF folder system with stuff that isn't part of the app (unless you are making symbols and fills - but I already know that's not what you are doing).

    The other question I should have asked is: are you trying to open the FCW file, or have you exported a PNG/JPEG/BMP file from your map?
  • Ok, so your saying I should save the map I am currently working on in documents and not the Profantasy folder system?

    I changed it to BMP successfully. I then exported it under pictures, I then opened the file converter, found the BMP map and successfully converted it to TIFF. It is currently saved under Pictures. Is this ok? Did I answer your question?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    That is correct :)

    And yes - you answered the question. I was just covering all the possible reasons why you might not be able to see something, since a bitmap app probably won't see an FCW file ;)
  • edited August 2018
    ok, now to try and send it to my publisher to see if he can open it with photoshop and have the resolution he needs. I'm sending it by email but it seems to be difficult to get it to start loading. It says its uploading but nothing seems to be happening. (edit: the email went through). Is there a way I can contact you personally on this forum when I have questions. To be honest, your the only person who explains things so that I can understand it.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited August 2018
    Are you sending the FCW file, or the TIFF you just made?

    EDIT: There are actually three of us helping you on this thread, its just that I managed to type the answer faster than the others. One is a moderator, and able to delete his comments, which is why you only see two. As for contacting me personally... I'm around some of the time, and enjoy answering questions I know the answer to, but I'm not always here, and I don't know everything.

    There are lots of people here who can help you better than I can. We just don't tend to chatter that much with each other. Probably too busy mapping things ;)
  • edited August 2018
    I sent the Tiff file to him to see if it would work.

    The CC3 map I am working on has a imported map which was originally created using Photoshop by another person. Once they sent me the map I used "Insert File" on CC3 to place the image on the CC3 screen. I have then added cities, roads etc.

    If I save the CC#3 map under "Documents" will it reserve the original Photoshop map and successfully always find the path to it? In the past I was doing that wrong and eventually CC3 could not find the path and I would lose it and get a giant red "X" instead. Will this happen again under Documents or will it always find the path?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited August 2018
    I know very little about TIFF files, but maybe the size had something to do with it? You might want to send a JPEG next time. They're 'lossy', but you can control how lossy they are by reducing the compression in the Save as... Options dialog. They tend to be much smaller than anything else.
  • The CC3 map I am working on has a imported map which was originally created using Photoshop by another person. Once they sent me the map I used "Insert File" on CC3 to place the image on the CC3 screen. I have then added cities, roads etc.

    If I save the CC#3 map under "Documents" will it reserve the original Photoshop map and successfully always find the path to it? In the past I was doing that wrong and eventually CC3 could not find the path and I would lose it and get a giant red "X" instead. Will this happen again under Documents or will it always find the path?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Yea, TIFF files tends to get pretty large. Especially if you render them in a high resolution, which is probably what the Photoshop guy is going to need.
  • Yes Monsen that is what he needs. The email with the map attachment was successfully sent to him, I guess I thought it would load faster. Anyway it worked.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    This area is always a bit fuzzy for me. I've accidentally broken links in my own maps before now and not really understood what I've done wrong, but it should be ok as long as you don't move the original graphic or rename it or any of the folders leading to it.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    It depends on the path of the inserted images. When inserting images into maps, I always recommend first saving the image in the same folder as the map, and then use Insert File to insert the file, enabling the 'relative to current drawing' path option. That way, you can always move the map around, as long as you move both files as a pair.

    Usually, the best option is just to try though. Save a copy under documents, close down CC3, then open the copy in the documents folder. If that doesn't show the inserted image, simply go back to the original version immediately in the old location. (and delete the copy you made in documents.)
  • Thank you both very much. I Bookmarked this conversation so I can return to it once my world map is complete.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Glad we could help you :)
  • Make sure you understand, that as soon as you export your map from CC into TIFF or other formats, you have broken the link and ability to modify the aspects of the map that you had. CC is a vector based program (for the most part), while PS has no ability to work with vector images, it is a bitmap (i.e. each pixel is defined with a color) editor. Vectors are mathematical definition of shapes (i.e. this shape is a square with coordinate x1,y1 by x2,y2)

    Here are a couple examples of how this works;

    Case A:
    - You make a 'background with land masses, rivers, oceans.
    - Export to TIFF, your other person edits the program in PS and sends it back to you.
    A1) if you make changes to your land masses etc, the PS files will not reflect these changes
    A2) if you import the PS image and place it as your background, you might as well delete your previous work, as changes to the CC entities will not be reflected (see A1) and you will not be able to change the image you imported. But, you can then add stuff over the 'top' of the image.

    Case B:
    - You make a map with cities, towns, rivers, trees, etc
    - Export to TIFF, edited in PS, imported back into CC
    - You now can not move or otherwise edit those trees, cities, etc
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