CC3Plus Export to PNG Problem
I have a rather large complex map that I've worked on over the last few years. I'm having trouble getting it to export properly showing ALL sheet effects. It's exporting with most of the sheet effects enabled, but not the ones involving terrain (swamp, scrub, desert, etc.). All relevant layers are unfrozen and I've even tried creating a new map file in the same style and copying from the previous map. The export takes hours (91 passes) and produces an error at the end of the export process:
Error generating final image; keeping temporary bitmap fileC:\Users...[file location]
I've performed this export multiple times and an starting to lose my patience. Please help.
Error generating final image; keeping temporary bitmap fileC:\Users...[file location]
I've performed this export multiple times and an starting to lose my patience. Please help.
How big are you exporting the map in pixel dimensions, what kind of export are you using (rectangular section jpg, hopefully), and how much antialiasing are you using?
Check the settings by clicking the options box in the save as dialog.
If the antialiasing is set at the default value of 66% you can get away with taking that right down to about 20%
If that isn't the problem, try typing the command EXPORTSETMPPP and pressing Enter. You should see a prompt in the command line then which tells you a number. If that number is 4,000,000 or less, type 40,000,000 (without the commas - they are just to make it easier for you to count the zeros in this comment), and hit enter. This increases the size of each pass and dramatically reduces the number of passes required to export the image.
Then try exporting the map again.
In combination, the reduction of the antialiasing percentage, and the increased size of each pass should at least improve the situation quite significantly.
Otherwise I have found that providing the map to Ralf with an explanation results in excellent customer service.
Do also note that it does say that it keeps the temporary bitmap and gives you the path. You should be able to just open this temporary bitmap in an image editor and convert it to png yourself, as well as resize it to the final format (if you exported with antialiasing, this bitmap will be larger then the specified export resolution )
@Loopysue: The export size is 21000 x 14400 (70" x 48" at 300 dpi). I'm attempting to produce a full-size print. Anti-aliasing is set to the default of zero and unchecked. I'm exporting for print so I'm not sure anti-aliasing applies and the resulting saved bitmap looks phenomenal. My print provider printed a sample and it looks excellent on paper, 55# bond, crisp and beautiful. My print provider is able to print at this size at the cost of about $75 US. The problem with the terrain effects is the last piece of the puzzle.
@PeteF: Added ImageMagick... agreed on customer service. I've sent in maps before.
@JimP: I wasn't but am now which changed the settings available in the Bitmap Options dialog. The dialog confirms my export size of 70" x 48" at 300 dpi.
@Monsen: Yeah, I'm able to open the BMP, but the image is ignoring edge fade sheet effects on my terrain layers, otherwise I'd just use the BMP.
Unfortunately, now CC3 won't allow me to export at all and produces an entirely black 1 KB BMP. This is after updating to 3.84 and installing/configuring ImageMagick 64. CC3 reports: "You don't have enough memory to export at this resolution. Please set a lower resolution and try again." My machine is an Intel i&-8700 CPU @ 3.20 GHz with 32 GB RAM (maxed). Video card is brand new NVIDIA GeForce BTX 1060 6 GB.
My biggest map is 1200 x 1200. I'm unfamiliar with larger sizes.
If I were you, I would try exporting the map in smaller parts, and then assemble the images in an image editor afterwards. Use generous overlap so you can avoid the problems with effects at the edge. And follow Sue's advice about changing the max pixels per pass, this reduces the numbers of passes, and result in a much faster export.
I, too, began to have that same problem with the latest update - an issue I NEVER had before. Not sure why suddenly I would experience the trouble, but I did exactly that, was rollback to before the update. So far, I have begun to experience the problems the latest update was set to fix (of which again, I NEVER experienced until the update), and as annoying and seizure inducing it is with trails following all my symbols I move about on the screen, at least my save doesn't get hung up. I am hoping that the next update will fix this issue, as I have refrained from making changes to my computer and downloading programs I have no idea what they are for and about.
I'm trying smaller exports now to see where the limits are. I've been able to export a quarter so far and am hoping to stitch them together.
With the kind if image size you're talking about, that's really the way to go. Even if you have scads of RAM and 64 bit ImageMagick, CC3+ itself is still 32 bit software, and is stuck with the memory limit of all 32 bit software. This makes really big exports (in a single operation) problematic, at best.
Note that the Annual isn't doing anything you can't do manually. Set a reasonable snap to grid, and export the tiles one by one carefully, then use whatever graphic program you want to stitch them together, and you get the same thing. But the macro scripts really make it much easier.
I've arrived at a solution that's not ideal, but gets the results I want. I've trimmed the final size of the map to 66" x 48" (19800 x 14400 @ 300 dpi). I've felt out the edges of what the export will do and determined that I can export the map in two halves (33" x 48"). No overlap required (I did a splice test and the export edges are clean). I trimmed off about 4" of ocean because the limit on canvas size is 20000 (my prior width was 21000 which is over this limit). So, I'll have two halves I can splice together and present to my printing person. She just happens to be a gamer and loves the map. She even called me and asked when I was bringing it so she could see the results too.
Just for the curious, I have a wood shop and plan to mount and frame my map. It will be a work of art in my dinning room, where we play Pathfinder every Saturday night.
I'll just have to hope that future versions of CC3 will have the power to export to a larger size. CC3Plus is great and I've enjoyed using it for a very long time, so I'm by no means and irate or displeased customer. There always seems to be a satisfactory work around. Thanks all for your suggestions.