Can you share a palette with a map?

I've started this thread because every now and then I have a really silly question to ask, so I thought I would put them all in one thread to keep things tidy.

First question relates to an aspect of sharing FCW files:

If I am making a city for the Community Atlas, and I decide to slightly alter the palette to give myself a more earthy set of shades to play with, if I then attach that palette to the map will it be saved in the FCW file and be there when anyone else downloads and opens the file?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Yes, if you attach the custom palette to the map, it will be embedded in the .fcw and used by anyone opening your map.
    Posted By: LoopysueI've started this thread because every now and then I have a really silly question to ask, so I thought I would put them all in one thread to keep things tidy.
    Not to be difficult, but putting multiple unrelated questions in the same thread is the opposite of keeping tings tidy :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Oh! Ok then. I will change the title and use separate threads ;)

    Thanks for the answer :)
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