Moving symbols with finger pointer
Ok. Most times when I want to move a symbol around I need to select the move button drag across the symbol, select do it, and then move the symbol. But sometimes I notice that the mouse pointer turns into a hand with a finger and allows me to drag the symbol around. How did this happen and how do I do it when I want to. It's a lot faster when moving png's of the players and NPC's around.
Thanks for your help! :)
Thanks for your help! :)
Open the DD3 Color Skirmish catalog and try the Bugbear for example. You'll see that it behaves in this fashion. To see how it is done, open the Symbol Manager, "edit" the bugbear and use View > Show Hyperlinks.The symbol has a hotspot with the line MOVACT; - this starts a macro which does the simple movement. You can do the same to any symbol you want, by adding such a hotspot.