Reporting documentation errors

I am a brand new user. I am working through various sources to become familiar with the interface. One of the ones I'm plodding through is the HTML Help. There are broken links in it. What is the best way of reporting them?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited May 2018
    Hello Minty :)

    Probably the best way is to inform Technical Support through 'Service/Technical Support', or 'Service/Contact us' on the main PF page.
  • Thank you Loopysue. I saw those but didn't know if there was a more specific vector elsewhere.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Well really tech support is for problems with the software that aren't down to inexperience and can't be solved out here on the forum, but I guess if I've signposted you in slightly the wrong direction they will probably give you a better email address once you contact them ;)

    They're a great team, and hopefully will be able to help you one way or the other :)
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited May 2018
    One of the contact links on that page is to the General Manager. If you want to report an issue with the online help, that's a good one to use.

    ProFantasy is aware there are some broken links in the online help but it would be helpful if you can 1) let them know that you use the online help! and 2) tell them about the broken links you've found. I've spoken with Ralf and Simon about it, myself, and I'm pretty sure they're looking into possible ways to fix it. Any information you can provide will be welcome. The online help is awesome. It's how I learned to use the software beyond the Essentials booklets.

    Thanks for finding the issue and — especially — for posting here to learn how to report it! As Loopysue said, they're a great team.

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