Rooftop chase
I want to make a map at lease 15" X 11" of rooftops circa 1938 or so for a rooftop chase. I am at a loss as to how I should begin.
Can anyone help?
I want to make a map at lease 15" X 11" of rooftops circa 1938 or so for a rooftop chase. I am at a loss as to how I should begin.
Can anyone help?
First can we ask which of the add-ons and/or third party art packs you have, so that we can work out what to suggest?
I haven't responded sooner because I thought I would get notified by email when someone responded here.
Anyway, here is what I have installed: CC2 Diorama; City Designer 2; Dungeon Designer 2; Dungeon Designer 3; Symbol Set 2--Floorplans; Symbol set 3--modern; Source Maps--Cities.
I have CC3 (not CC3+)
I am looking for rooftops of a city--anywhere from about 1920 to about 1970. Anything close to that would be fine.
I thought instantly of the CSUAC third party symbol collections, since they also have map files that will shade the rooftops, and a wide range of rooftops to choose from, but (and this is a big but) I have absolutely no idea if their current format, which I think is geared towards CC3+, will work or not in CC3. I guess they must.
The links to the Vintyri Project where the 4 main collections can be found are in the sticky thread for mapping resources at the top of the forum page.
Maybe someone will come along and confirm you should be ok before you start to download anything, since the collections are very big - thousands of symbols big. I would feel really bad if you went and downloaded them all only to find the installers didn't work in CC3!
Very sorry in advance if you go and download anything big, only to discover its not compatible with CC3.