looking for a in person Battlemap program
Hi all,
I've found lots of options to create maps. Admittedly none as complete as Profantasy.
What I've had a world of trouble finding is a program to map the battle itself projected on a TV or a projector from a computer.
As far as I can tell none of the virtual tabletops (Rolemaster, Fantasy Grounds etc) are good for it because at best it would require a computer and another account to transmit too.
-- If there is an easier way to do this with one of the programs let me know. -- I don't really want to create a second virtual desktop as I can't imagine that being a smooth easy prospect.
I want to basically have a virtual version of a Battlemap. Move the characters and things around on the screen easily by selecting and moving. My mental image is almost like the old time SSI DnD games in appearance and movement
ideally a copy of the map on my screen and a copy of the map with fog of war projected or sent to the TV.
Just seeing if anyone has come across something good or even a good way to do it with profantasy products.
Thanks for any advice you have.
I've found lots of options to create maps. Admittedly none as complete as Profantasy.
What I've had a world of trouble finding is a program to map the battle itself projected on a TV or a projector from a computer.
As far as I can tell none of the virtual tabletops (Rolemaster, Fantasy Grounds etc) are good for it because at best it would require a computer and another account to transmit too.
-- If there is an easier way to do this with one of the programs let me know. -- I don't really want to create a second virtual desktop as I can't imagine that being a smooth easy prospect.
I want to basically have a virtual version of a Battlemap. Move the characters and things around on the screen easily by selecting and moving. My mental image is almost like the old time SSI DnD games in appearance and movement
ideally a copy of the map on my screen and a copy of the map with fog of war projected or sent to the TV.
Just seeing if anyone has come across something good or even a good way to do it with profantasy products.
Thanks for any advice you have.
I guess one could use this on a single computer by just starting two instances of maptool, and put one instance on your screen, and another on the player screen (connected to the same computer) although I haven't tried this.
I just have my TV set up as a second monitor on my laptop. So then my GM version runs on my laptop screen while my player version uses the 'localhost' client version. There is then a community extension you can run if you want that scales the map to the TV size so you have 1 inch squares, if you are using the TV flat and with mini's.
Only 1 account (standard license) needed. But, If you don't want all the 'stuff'' FG can do, then Maptools is probably a better solution. Or, if you already have the map as an image file, why not just open the image on the TV as a second monitor using whatever image viewing program comes with your computer?
The truth is I'm looking for ease of moving tokens around where the image is one thing and movable things are something else. Most graphics programs don't allow for this. Selecting things under this circumstance becomes a drag to the game play (or at least it would for me)
Thanks for suggesting Fantasy Grounds. I had heard FG wasn't particularly good at local area games but I will check which one suits my purposes.
I keep hearing that Fantasy Grounds does not have Fog of War. Surprising given it seems to be leading the market in everything else.
There are a lot of misconceptions about Fantasy Grounds. Just to clear up a two mentioned here;
- Never understood why people say it doesn't work well for face to face gaming. Lots of us use it that way. PM or whisper me if you want details.
- Yes FG has Fog of War (FoW). It does not have Dynamic Line of Sight (DLoS). Assuming by FoW you mean the ability to mask an image/map so that players only see the parts of it that the GM wants them to see (i.e. a manual process where the GM draws polygons or freehand shapes to reveal or hide parts of the map). And DLoS is is where you have a map with defined occluders (such as walls) and light/vision sources (such as the player tokens) and the computer calculates dynamically/automatically what they players can see and reveals the map/image accordingly.
I really did try MapTool, and, for me, it was a small area for my maps... I found my maps work in better in Epic Table.
There is a web site that compares VTTs, but it is way out dated.