Hiding Drop shadow
I have a bridge that I want to add drop shadow to, so that the shadow is seen on the ground below, but not on the level ground the ends are on. Is there a way to prevent the shadow from displaying on the upper layers/sheets (not sure which is the correct word)?
I usually deactivate the drop shadow effect on the bridge sheet, add a new sheet just underneath it as you look at the drawing, called "BRIDGE SHADOWS" and draw the shadows on that sheet, then add a Blend Mode effect to that sheet and set it to Multiply and about 40-50% opacity.
What I did was copy the bridge to a new sheet added the drop shadow and placed the sheet between the upper and lower ground and then placed the bridge copy right over the original bridge and that gave the effect I wanted.
This is one I did earlier the way I described above - since I was busy making the screen shots and didn't see you didn't need them any more
This first one is the bridge and shadow together.
And this second one shows the very simple ellipse of black I drew as the shadow
I originally was thinking something along the lines of the lighting sheets, where you put the effect in where you want the lighting to stop effecting sheets after that.
There are always a million different ways of doing things in CC3+
I'm not sure that using the DD3 lighting system would help all that much because it would only give you the same problem as the one we have both just solved in two different ways.
And I doubt I shall ever know all that there is to know about CC3+. I think there are only a handful of people (like Monsen) who do