Using bitmap for terrain texture, change scale of image?

Hi! I am trying to use an image from Sue Daniels as a terrain texture but I would like to scale it down a bit so that the crystals are a bit smaller. Is this something I can do in CC3+ or do I need to modify the image somehow first?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Hello! :)

    If you only want to import it as an image you can make it any size you like during the import process (Draw/Insert File). You can also resize the image using the scale button. It is best to store the bitmap in a place where it can stay for good, since the map will always need to reference it from that place.

    It might be more useful if you want to use the texture in several maps to import it as a fill. First place it in a folder called User (or your choice of name) inside the Bitmaps folder here:


    And then use Tools/Import Bitmap Fill Styles, to locate the new folder and its contents. Tick the create new resolutions box at the top right of the import dialog, and tick the scale box below that near the bottom on that side. Enter arbritrary scale for now - same for both width and height. Then click OK.

    There will be a short wait while CC3+ creates the three lower resolutions of that image, and then you will be informed that 1 fill has been imported. The texture will then be available in the dropdown listing of bitmap fills when you open the Filly Styles Properties dialog, where you can adjust the scale to taste.

    Hope that helps :)
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