Converting Continent to CC3
I built a continent map a while ago in cc2, but never finished. Tonight I thought I'd dust it off and start learning cc3. Comments are welcome, and hopefully this format will work...
If you're wondering about the white space on the right side, it's a standard template for my world. For reasons that are no longer compelling to me, I created the original world map as an interrupted format. So each lobe of the globe is divided into standard sheets, which I can print at 8.5"x11". So the right side will be included in the map that is one over, which is a mirror image of this. It's easier to see than explain.
If you're wondering about the white space on the right side, it's a standard template for my world. For reasons that are no longer compelling to me, I created the original world map as an interrupted format. So each lobe of the globe is divided into standard sheets, which I can print at 8.5"x11". So the right side will be included in the map that is one over, which is a mirror image of this. It's easier to see than explain.
The map above is part of the region that has all the text on it on the world map
CC2/3's ability to rotate things is really handy for this.
Does anyone have suggestions or examples for snow-covered ground and mountains? The land north of the Ice Stop mountains should be snowy and I'd like to reflect that in the map
Thanks to everyone for help, and thanks for the awesome list
The raster part of the symbols must be made in an image editor, and I don't think there is a tutorial available for that part.