Creating 3D slicer readable files

So, I work for a library and we're looking at using the logo in 3d printed objects. Our graphic designer says he would need CAD software to generate the appropriate file. Other than trying to use a 3MF file format from an Adobe program, does CC have anything that might work to convert the logo into a 3D image?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited March 2018
    Hello Richard :)

    CC3 is a 2D programme capable of creating the illusion of 3D in add-ons like Perspectives, and through the artwork of its users - much like a landscape painting done on canvas can appear to be 3D if it is painted well enough.

    If you only want the illusion of 3D then that should be possible with a bit of clever artwork, but if you want a true 3D model of your logo you might consider using a true 3D app like Blender, which is free?

    (Of course, I'm not entirely up to date with all the things that CC3 can and can't do right now, so it may just be that I will stand corrected in a very short time :P )
  • edited March 2018
    Hi Richard.

    As Sue said, CC3 is 2D Cad software.

    The makers of FastCAD do have 2D/3D software.

    If price is a concern, Free Cad may be suitable for a single project. I haven't used it, but have heard that it is reasonable for free software.
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