SS4/DD3 question

I recently picked up SS4 and was going to walk through the PDF that came with it to learn the ins/outs and one thing I noticed at the very beginning is this.

Click the Add
Room button, set the floor
background to the Wood
Floor Pine h fill and the wall
fill style to Natural Stone 5.
Set the Wall width to 0.5.
Rooms without DD3
If you don’t have DD3
installed, clicking the Room
button will instead offer you
a selection of drawing tools.
Choose Room, Wood Floor,
Stone Walls for this example.
A room drawing tool works
similarly to the Room command from DD3, it is just
a bit more complicated to
change the floor and wall
fill styles.

So I noticed right off that when I clicked ADD room it didn't react like the first instruction suggested but like the 2nd. I have Both SS4 and DD3 installed. At the time I had selected SS4. Here is what I saw.

ss4 selected


Is that how it's suppose to work? I got the impression from the docs that it should work like the first method described if I had dd3 installed while using ss4... but it doesn't appear to be?

I'm using current rev of cc3+


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited February 2018
    It depends on which toolbars you use. Click the DD3 button to go into "DD3 Mode", giving you access to the full DD3 toolset. The SS4 toolbars are mostly for people who don't own DD3, but SS4 maps will always default to the SS4 toolbars, because there is no way for the script in the template to determine if you have DD3 or not, so it sets up the one that is guaranteed to work.
  • Posted By: MonsenIt depends on which toolbars you use. Click the DD3 button to go into "DD3 Mode", giving you access to the full DD3 toolset. The SS4 toolbars are mostly for people who don't own DD3, but SS4 maps will always default to the SS4 toolbars, because there is no way for the script in the template to determine if you have DD3 or not, so it sets up the one that is guaranteed to work.
    Okay, so it sounds like I should just have the DD3 mode going and not SS4.
  • Yea, I click the SS4 icon so that I get the SS4 toolbar buttons for loading the SS4 symbol catalogs, but then before doing any rooms/corridors/etc, I click the DD3 button and use those tools etc.

    A little annoying, but once you get used to it, not a big deal.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited March 2018
    Posted By: LordEntrailsA little annoying, but once you get used to it, not a big deal.
    No need to go back and forth between the toolbars. Once you have clicked the DD3 button, simply right click the symbol style toggle button, choose master filter, hit load, and load up the SS4 setting. With that loaded, the symbol catalog buttons on the DD3 toolbar will load the correct SS4 symbols.

    I also recommend editing the OnOpenMacro map note in the map to run MENUDM @dungeon.mnu instead of MENUDM @ss4.mnu as this will simply load the correct toolbar at map start (while keeping the correct style, so you don't need to manually set master filter either)
  • Thanks again Monsen. I'll look into that. I do use both symbol catalogs on this map as I want the diversity of symbols. But I will put that in my notes to try to remember for next time :)
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