City Designer Fills

Is there anyway to use the fills from a CC3 style in a CD3 map? For example using the Herwin fill styles instead of the CD3 land or sea fills?



  • Yes, you can import fills under the Tools menu (Import Bitmap Fill Styles).
  • No I am talking about using the fills from another map style already in CC3
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    That's how you do it, ahawk :)

    Go to: Tools/Import Bitmap Fill Styles.

    That opens a dialog box where you have to locate the folder containing them.

    You don't need to create other resolutions though because they already exist, so don't whatever you do tick that box on the top right!!!

    Another way of doing it (although this always seems a bit ham-fisted to me) is to create a very small throwaway map in the style that you want to import, make sure that you create a simple poly of each of the fills you want to import, copy that patch of 'colour swatches' and paste them in the map you want to import the fills into. This causes the fills to be automatically imported. You can delete them straight away but the fills stay imported.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    I prefer to just create a new map in the style containing the fills (no need to draw anything in it, leave it empty), then in the map you want the fills, go to draw -> Insert file. Select the file in the open dialog and hit ok, and once you see the map to insert on your cursor, simply hit Esc to finish rather then placing it. This will import all the fill styles, but won't otherwise insert anything into the map.
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