WIP Community Atlas NE Sections of Alarius
I'm working on a pair of maps for the NE section of Alrius. The Emerald Crown Forest and Feralwood Forest areas. Mostly pleased with them so far. but never hurts to have other eyes and opinions. So opinion away...
The road through the hills in the Feralwood Forest map is nicely done, but do you think the road would really climb the hills rather than weave around them (not necessarily at the valley floor level but around rather than over)? That's a very tiny nitpick, though, on a very nice set of maps. Oh, and the map borders/frames are tonally spot-on.
Are you going to label them? I'm curious to see the map with names. I'm also curious about those structures in the SE of the Feralwood map, near the henge.
Thanks for sharing!
Yeah, the roads over the hills was another question, but I really like the way they came out! I also figured that as they are areas of many hills, that eventually a road was going to have to go over. Also, being a fantasy setting, I always figure about 20 miles or travel by horseback per day, which is not much, so shortcuts over hills instead of spending extra days going around would probably be something that would be done.
And yes, I am going to label them. I just wanted to get everything else locked in first.
Anyway, here's updated version...
I am labeling these maps now, so will post again when that's done. Probably tomorrow morning...
I currently run a play by post game on Dragon's Foot forums. I tried roll20 but it didn't work for me.
Have you thought about going online ?
So here they are with labels and a bit more poking...
Oops! Just realized I didn't put a bridge in over the brook that goes through the moorland. Will fix that...