Error exporting to AutoCAD formats

Windows XP SP3, CC3.24, Intel DualCore CPU, 3GB Ram (30% utilised).

I've got a bunch of maps that I'm trying to export. Each map is roughly 50KB in size and will export to PNG, JPG and BMP without fail.
However, when I attempt to "Save As" either of the vector formats, CC3 crashes with a major error.

I need to be able to export into these vector formats because the maps are for potential publication and the layout guy wants to clean it up in Illustrator.

Gareth Larter


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Unless I am mistaken, exporting to a vector format is a bad idea, unless it is a pure CC2-style map. As far as I know, this export will only include vector entities in a map, which means you will not get any of the new png symbols, no bitmap fills, and definitely no sheet effects.

    As for the crashing, I can reproduce that 100% of the time myself, so I don't get to test if I remembered correctly or not :(

    I'll suggest that you contact ProFantasy Tech Support directly though, they might have a fix for the crashing.
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