Adding a Volcano to FT3

Hi everyone. I'm new to this site and everything Profantasy. I'm trying to add a big (currently dormant) volcano to my Islands in FT3.
I have no idea what I'm doing and there no easy "add volcano" button, unfortunately. Just looking for help.


  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    FT3 probably doesn't have enough editing resolution to represent a volcano with any accuracy. Large volcanos in around the world are all less than about 10 miles in diameter. At maximum resolution for an Earth-sized world, FT can represent (25000 mi circumference / 8190 editing samples) = 3 miles per editing sample. A large volcano would therefore be about 3 pixels across. You should be able to get that with a normal painting brush. It just probably won't look very good, is all.

    If you're doing something different than a whole-world map with FT3, you should be able to use the painting tools to get your desired result.

    If you're up for learning another tool, offers an example of how to make a volcano height image with a tool called Wilbur. This image can be used as a paintbrush in Wilbur, and you can then stamp it onto your terrain. However, resolution will make a huge difference in how such a stamp would appear in the final result.
  • edited January 2018
    I have heard about Wilbur and wanted to use that. I also just purchased Bryce 7.1. I was reading the Terraformer guide (which BTw you are in the credits for) and I was trying to figure out how to take my "world" from FT3 and put it into BRYCE. I have so much to learn.
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