DD3+, best methods for getting 1inch scale at print.

If I make a map, I want one grid square, to be 1 inch, by 1 inch, at print.

I have been struggling with this for days.

I do not want to have to export my image, then resize things in gimp.

I want to be able to build my dungeon in DD3+, then export as a png, and this png should print accordingly. (it does not matter with it's larger than A4)

What matters is that 1 grid in TTS, print to 1 inch. (this means 300ppi)


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Then you need to multiply the number of grid squares in your map height and width by 300 and use File/Save as/Rectangular section JPG, and click the options button to adjust the number of pixels to render in the height and width of the exported image.

    A very simple example:

    Your map is 10 grid squares wide by 20 grid squares tall.

    The image size you want is 3000 pi x 6000 pi.

    Using the Rectangular section JPG option, click the options button and set those exact dimensions in the pixels width and height boxes and then when prompted for the first corner of the rectangular section to be rendered, enter "0,0" (zero comma zero), and when prompted for the second corner enter the *real map unit coordinates* of the top right hand corner of the map.

    I am sorry if this is a little brief and doesn't make sense. I'm not feeling great, but I'm sure one of the others will fill in the details I've missed out :)
  • Your math doesn't make much sense.

    So, I go into DD3+ and create a new battle map, of say 5 x 9.

    I then need to figure out my desired export dimension,
    5 * 300 = 1500
    9 * 300 = 2700

    My export should be at a resolution of 1500 x 2700?

    Does this assure my export dpi is at 300ppi?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited January 2018

    EDIT: more detail.

    It ensures that a single grid square is 300x300 pi square. The ppi is usually set at print time - part of the print settings. So if you set the printer to 300 ppi then each of your grid squares will be an inch square on the paper as printed.

    If you accidentally set your printer to only 150 ppi, then your grid squares will be 2 inches square - twice as big.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited January 2018
    You can set the print scale options when you print from CC3+ and the program will do the math for you.

    For example, the grid on a typical battle map is 5' per grid square (or 1.5 m for the metric users out there). To get a grid square to be 1 printed inch by 1 printed inch then, when you print the map find the Scaling section in the print dialog. Select the Scale Factor option button and enter 1" in the Paper distance field, and 5 in the Drawing distance field. CC3+ will calculate how to print the map so 1" printed on paper would be 5 units on the map (for a battle map, the units are feet, and 5' would be a grid square). Naturally, if your grid squares are 10' then you'd enter 10 instead of 5.

    Check out the scaling section of the CC3+ User Manual (from CC3+, select Help>User Manual from the menu) or, for a good description about all the printing options (including the Print Wizard), check out the Printing and Exporting section starting on p. 41.

    I hope that helps.

  • How do you plan on printing these? Poster sized? My simple method for poster printing a 5 foot/1 inch grid square is this, when starting your map make the width and height:

    11x17 = 55x85 map
    18x24 = 120x90 map
    24x36 = 120x180 map

    Set the Grid for 5 feet. Each square will print out on the posters as a 1" square. Just be sure to add a glow to your grid.....a few of the dungeon sets have a transparency set on the effects, and I've found when printing posters, the grid needs to be REALLY dark and intense for it to print well enough on the poster.
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