Old School Dungeon Mapping: The Castle of the Mad Archmage

Greyhawk Grognard Joe Bloch is doing this really cool old school Castle Greyhawk-esque mega dungeon called The Castle of the Mad Archmage: http://greyhawkgrognard.blogspot.com/2009/01/castle-of-mad-archmage-january-release.html

I decided to try mapping this out in classic retro old school module blue and white using the December 2007 Cartographer's Annual. Here are the first two maps (the northeast and south east sections of level two). I hope to have the last two map sections (northwest and southwest) completed by Sunday. I intend to paste all four maps together for a single "giant poster" PNG when I'm done as well.

Northeast section, level two: http://www.chillingtales.com/images/Level02NE.PNG

Southeast section, level two: http://chillingtales.com/images/Level02SE.PNG


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