Community Atlas -- Qaras (WIP)

I wanted to challenge myself for my next contribution to the Community Atlas, so I chose a section of Qaras from the Doriant continent. I wanted to do a desert region and use the Scorching Sun style pack. This one has been kicking my butt, though! I think I've deleted the whole thing and started from scratch three or four times over the past two days! I might finally be onto something now, though, so we'll see. Anyway, here it is so far. I feel a little lost, as being a desert I'm really limited to what I have to work with, unlike those wonderful tropical islands and mountainy, foresty overland maps!


  • ScottA commented:I think I've deleted the whole thing and started from scratch three or four times over the past two days!
    That's pretty much the story of my entire mapping, drawing and writing "career"/gaming lifetime...

    As for deserts, they can be just as full of interest and features as anywhere else, but you may need to think beyond the "sandy wasteland" concept a little more. Pillars of salt, salt pans from dried pools and even lakes, dry river beds sometimes created by flash floods, meadows of flowers (short-lived, but liable to happen anywhere there's been a rainstorm; yep, even deserts get them occasionally!), the more conventional oases maybe with nomad trails leading to and from, expanses of wind-scoured rock - including wind-carved pillars supporting unexpectedly large boulders, like forests of giant petrified trees or mushrooms - genuine petrified forests (or the remains of one swamped by the desert), the archetypal "lost city" only periodically revealed by the shifting sands perhaps, and more. A magical event might have fused the desert sand into glass somewhere, maybe even creating a literal glass mountain, perhaps one with again a literal heart of fused gold that can be seen, but is almost impossible to access. And for some real confusion of expectations, why not have a thriving town or small city in the desert's midst, accessed and water-fed only from below the surface, say?
  • Those are some great ideas. Its still early days for me and the Community Atlas, so I'm not totally comfortable yet with just going wild and doing my own thing (while staying true to the original, of course) with someone else's original map ... although I know that's pretty much the IDEA of the whole thing.
  • I like the cliffs in the canyon. How did you made them?
  • The cliffs were copied from the original map. They're just a poly with wedges of shadow on them. Pretty effective, though!
  • 6 days later
  • Well, after a little break its back to working on this one. Don't know how much more I'm going to do with it.
  • Oh this is looking good now!

    The northern river's mouth maybe needs tweaking to make it a bit less harsh into the sea is all. Though I'm tempted to suggest adding a cataract on the canyon river - that's just me being too Egyptian desert though, while this is much more Arabian Nights style ;)
  • I love the map (and the Arabian Nights feel). How about a delta or two, and i like the concept of a huge waterfall in the canyon, perhaps at the east end (which is what causes the canyon in the first place). But this is great even as is. I have yet to try a desert region, and your map, and Wyvern's comments are VERY informative, so I have bookmarked this discussion.
  • Ooo... hadn't considered a waterfall. I do like my waterfalls!
  • Desert maps can be difficult but you've certainly brought this area to life. What an interesting map! Great job on this Scott!
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