latest update..... Sue's palm trees look awesome - i just had to use them! So anyone wanting to download this map from the Atlas will have to download her trees. Otherwise it's done using the standard City fills and a few symbols, plus the CSUAC2 symbol set
Posted By: LoreleiSo anyone wanting to download this map from the Atlas will have to download her trees.
The trees are already part of the main atlas download, so as long as you download the atlas, and not just an individual map, the trees will work out of the box, without the user having to install anything at all (Assuming you downloaded the correct tree package [the one labeled as for the atlas] and followed the instructions when you made the map). This is why I require the permission to distribute any custom artwork along with the atlas, so the end user don't have to run around downloading various different symbols from here and there.
they should have downloaded into the "user" folder, right?
No. That's the non-atlas trees. The atlas version comes with two folders in the zip, 'Resources' and 'Your Map here', which you can extract anywhere you want on your computer (Just don't separate the two folders, they need to live side by side in the same location).
Because the atlas is supposed to work no matter where you extract it on disk, it is very important that maps uses correct relative paths to refer to the resources used, otherwise the map won't work when included in the atlas. The atlas version of the trees comes with symbol catalogs already set up with these paths so that the mapper doesn't have to concern themselves with these paths at all, they can just use the symbol catalogs provided and everything will work perfectly fine (As long as they keep the map in the 'Your Map here' folder. (The your map here folder can actually be renamed with no ill effect, as long as it isn't moved, but Resources must not be renamed). The non-atlas version of the trees will only work if users have manually downloaded and installed the trees themselves (AND put them in the right location), which is why these cannot be used for maps to be included in the atlas.
no, Sue...your trees haven't....I just have soooo many symbols in my program and I am a dope - I still have the CSUAC beta symbols when we were testing for Mark because i have NO idea what i am doing, other than how to make a decent map. haha. It's all good, though, i think i've just fixed it no problem by renaming the symbols from USER folder and replacing them with the symbols from the Resource folder
Posted By: LoopysueLOL! I'm so glad you're a lot clevererer than wot I am :P
Turns out i'm not so clever and can't seem to make this work, so i think this map is scraped and i'll just use it for my own personal use. Thanks for the pretty trees - i'm sure they'll come in handy in my campaign
Lorelei's Evakyl Draconic map is now in the atlas. Thanks for the contribution.
Note that this map uses custom resources (Sue's trees), so to view it properly, you should either download the complete atlas, or if you just want to grab the single map, you will also need to down the atlas version of Sue's trees. I generally recommend just grabbing the entire atlas, since that should work out of the box (Assuming you have the other products this map uses already installed)
Yes, you have to. And I can pretty much guarantee you that we will never run out of spots, so don't worry about that. Every time someone adds a new map, that opens up more spots, the number of available spots will increase over time, not decrease.
This is why I require the permission to distribute any custom artwork along with the atlas, so the end user don't have to run around downloading various different symbols from here and there.
And, yes, @Monsen, I think I did download the Atlas trees (they should have downloaded into the "user" folder, right?)
Because the atlas is supposed to work no matter where you extract it on disk, it is very important that maps uses correct relative paths to refer to the resources used, otherwise the map won't work when included in the atlas. The atlas version of the trees comes with symbol catalogs already set up with these paths so that the mapper doesn't have to concern themselves with these paths at all, they can just use the symbol catalogs provided and everything will work perfectly fine (As long as they keep the map in the 'Your Map here' folder. (The your map here folder can actually be renamed with no ill effect, as long as it isn't moved, but Resources must not be renamed).
The non-atlas version of the trees will only work if users have manually downloaded and installed the trees themselves (AND put them in the right location), which is why these cannot be used for maps to be included in the atlas.
I am so sorry my trees have caused all this confusion.
Sorry Lorelei!
Sorry Remy!
Its a beautiful map!
Note that this map uses custom resources (Sue's trees), so to view it properly, you should either download the complete atlas, or if you just want to grab the single map, you will also need to down the atlas version of Sue's trees. I generally recommend just grabbing the entire atlas, since that should work out of the box (Assuming you have the other products this map uses already installed)