Myirandios - Evain and Logrid

I thought I would start work on a region of my Myirandios world, the island archipelago off the east coast of northern Merishora. It is roughly based on Ireland (Evain) and Britain (Logrid). The south-west is ruled by the Klemtan Hegemony, but around it are tribal 'nations' much like the Celts, with some Aiefa (Elvish) blood thrown in, especially in Evain. In addition, raiders from the north are pillaging the coastal regions, though not of the Klemtan province of Logrid (yet).
This area is to be the site of an adventure arc based on TSR's 'Night's Dark Terror', one of the best adventure modules for low level characters I have experienced. I will be playing with my wife, a D&D novice.

So first, the map of Merishora, showing where the Regional map is situated.


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