Diamond symbol?
🖼️ 50 images Surveyor
I'm creating a regional map for another monthly challenge at the CG, where I'm mapping a quest. I have to depict a quest in my map. My quest is for the Zjed'Un Diamond. Only problem I have so far... no diamond, or gem symbol. Any ideas on where to look?
These are the gems
And these are the terms and conditions of use (just so you know)
Remy, I will look at what cc2 pro has, and see if there is something there I can work with.
For example, diamonds look white on a white background, red on a red background, and black on a black background. Blue diamonds have colour of their own (we call them sapphires), and there are other colours of diamond as well.
So - name your colour (since rendering them out takes hours! LOL!)
I was trying to get a realistic one, so I went for transparent/white.
This (above) is the transparent image suitable as a symbol in CC3. It will let the background show through its transparent parts.
The one below is just an example of what it looks like on a black background
As with above - the first image is the symbol, the second image is the symbol shown on a solid background (and no use in CC3). So if you want them its the first image you want in each case.
Image to use - above. Demonstration of black diamond on white background below.
I like having a good problem to solve. It keeps the brain alive
I might see if I can do a symbol set with varicolour gems at some point, but perhaps not right at the moment...
The diamonds I've made are Royalty free. I made them from scratch in Blender, so no worries about copyright or anything.
I made a proper symbol catalogue out of them as well.
Can anyone explain that?
Now that is just SO weird!
I must have been doing something wrong.
Thanks for doing that Lorelei, and you're welcome
I hope to make a more variable set of them sometime.
So I deleted it from the map, then opened the Symbol Manager and selected the diamond from the list of symbols, then clicked the delete button.
I saved the map, closed CC3, reopened CC3 and tried again.
That time it worked.
I don't understand why - it just did.
Maybe Lorelei did it a different way to both of us?
Maybe we can work out what went wrong if we know exactly how you did it, as well as what we both did.
If you aren't making a symbol catalogue it won't be set up to appear automatically on a particular sheet or layer. Is it possible, by some remote chance that you are plopping it down on a sheet and/or layer other than the one you intend it to be on?
EDIT: Sorry to hear about your job, Lorelei. I just lost mine as well, but it was only ever a temporary position - not something I'd been doing for years.