Tutorial Request - How to import custom fill styles
Hi Team,
I have the ToUM but I must be missing something.
How do I import a *.PNG as a new fill style so that I can use it to create a new tool?
I've managed to get custom symbols loaded so that I can use them but the Import Bitmap Fill Styles doesn't appear to be doing anything. Knowing this software that generally means I'm not understanding what it's doing.
I tried this: https://secure.profantasy.com/cchelp/SYMBOL/Import_PNG_Fill_Styles.htm
I made a tool that did this... no idea how that image became an option though. https://i.imgur.com/PDymV31.png
I have the ToUM but I must be missing something.
How do I import a *.PNG as a new fill style so that I can use it to create a new tool?
I've managed to get custom symbols loaded so that I can use them but the Import Bitmap Fill Styles doesn't appear to be doing anything. Knowing this software that generally means I'm not understanding what it's doing.
I tried this: https://secure.profantasy.com/cchelp/SYMBOL/Import_PNG_Fill_Styles.htm
I made a tool that did this... no idea how that image became an option though. https://i.imgur.com/PDymV31.png
The Import Bitmap Files as Fill Styles window is not working how I suspect it should be working. The Source Folders dialogue stays as @bitmaps regardless of which folder is picked which means it was only checking the Bitmaps folder and not it's children. Found the YouTube screenshot there, so added my custom fills and wallah I have working fill styles.