Missing Text Alignments

I don't know if anyone's noticed this before but the list of justifications in the Text Propreties dialog is missing Bottom far Left, Bottom far Right, Top far Left, and Top far Right. Given that I actually had call to go looking for one of those recently (which caused me to notice that these were missing) I'd like to see them added to the list to make it complete.

Alternatively, splitting justification up into Horizontal and Vertical Justification (each with 5 settings) would also work.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    I think it is intentional. The top/mid/bottom left/right/middle defines a close box around the text, while the above/mid/below "far" options defines a box surronding the text at a small distance.
  • Were it not for the fact that Below Left, Below Right, Above Left, and Above Right exist, I might believe you. These are similarly a "mixed" justification that use one parameter from the inner box and one from the outer (Center and Mid would be identical on both boxes and thus don't count for mixing).
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