Creating Custom Symbols - Random Transformations
Hi Team,
Does anyone have a tutorial for creating random transformation?
I have successfully create custom catalogues with Mike Schleys Schleyscapes KS1 symbols. I want to take it the next step and get all the variations reacting in a more random way.
I've been playing with the Random Transformations in the Symbol Management > Symbol Settings but it doesn't appear to be changing anything.
Does anyone have a tutorial for creating random transformation?
I have successfully create custom catalogues with Mike Schleys Schleyscapes KS1 symbols. I want to take it the next step and get all the variations reacting in a more random way.
I've been playing with the Random Transformations in the Symbol Management > Symbol Settings but it doesn't appear to be changing anything.
Once loaded in they all display as a single symbol. There's no plus sign though indicating there are other symbols grouped together.
Symbol is one of a collection = ticked
Set to: Numbers at the end
Collection options: Randomly select from collection
Random Transformations = ticked
Rotate Range = 360.00000
Scale Min = 0.90000
Scale Max = 1.10000
I've got the rotate working.
I've had the random collection working a few times but only on tests. Can't get it working on the primary folder. Seems to be something to do with the name. Maybe my names are too long and it's messing with it somehow. Also using the same map to test multiple changes is apparently a bad idea. Failing on an old map but working on a new map.
It did not like the names. I suspect the file name was too long. I have to rename them all to something shorter with the numeric identifier on the end.
Once that was complete it worked quite well.
Time to start mapping.
Symbol names are limited to 31 characters. If the image names are longer, they will be truncated, and if multiple images have identical names after this truncation, only one of them will end up becoming a symbol in the drawing. You should see that something is up by looking at the numbers CC3+ gives you after importing the images, and in the symbol manager, which always lists all symbols without any grouping, you should also see that some symbols are missing.
As for testing multiple times in the same file; This works, but make sure to delete all test symbols you placed in the map, and then either use PURGESYM to purge the current definitions before importing new ones, or make sure you have Rebuild All selected int he import dialog.