Hex Symbols & 'centering'
Bit of an odd question here. Trying to make a symbol catalog to allow me to place road tiles on a hex-map for gaming. Obviously the symbols would need to be centered on the actual hex itself and not on the entities at the time of symbol creation.
Putting 'points' at the hex corners is not an option (I think) as once it's put onto a sheet I don't want the points to be subjected to glows, shadows, etc.
The Purple is there only to show how they would sit in a hex, obviously the purple would be deleted/not part of the symbol.
Any help as to how to make these hexes so they are centered?
Putting 'points' at the hex corners is not an option (I think) as once it's put onto a sheet I don't want the points to be subjected to glows, shadows, etc.
The Purple is there only to show how they would sit in a hex, obviously the purple would be deleted/not part of the symbol.
Any help as to how to make these hexes so they are centered?
But, I will try the view -> move thing to get my symbols centred.
The Edit/view/move etc worked. So, using DEFSYM I'll try when I get to my Rail Symbols.