WIP My First City (First Completed!)
After recent threads here and some great tutorial videos by Crawford on YouTube, I decided to try my hand one more time at doing a city map. I tried twice before and both times quit out of frustration. It was rough starting out, and I probably completely deleted everything 6 to 8 times before I finally had something I liked. And then it just came to life!
So, here it is. Just about finished. I just have to add some more trees and shrubby things and label everything. Otherwise, I'm pretty much done and very happy with how it came out. It's a working farming village and the home base for my 30+ year fantasy RPG group!
Suggestions and criticism are eagerly welcome. Fresh eyes, and all. Plus as my first city map, I may have overlooked something that the more experienced city designers among you may spot.
So, here it is. Just about finished. I just have to add some more trees and shrubby things and label everything. Otherwise, I'm pretty much done and very happy with how it came out. It's a working farming village and the home base for my 30+ year fantasy RPG group!
Suggestions and criticism are eagerly welcome. Fresh eyes, and all. Plus as my first city map, I may have overlooked something that the more experienced city designers among you may spot.
My only suggestion... Take out a few buildings, say 5 of them. Fires happen, some people never part with land, etc. It will break up a bit of the regularity. You could even leave the foundation
I hope that I manage to half as well as you when I finally try to tackle a town.
- The texture of the road is I believe too "heavy". It is specially an issue for the central plaza, where this makes it difficult to see the market.
- I think the space between the houses in the first layer of the wheel should probably be filled with gardens, shrubberies, even a few trees. Unused space inside of a walled city just seems pretty hard to believe to me
- There is something I don't totally like about he city wall, but I'm not sure what it is. Maybe the way it seems quite open when the roads come in (even if I'm not sure how to close it and still show that there is a door that the road can cross). Maybe a small barbican would be interesting? There does not seem to be much way to climb on the wall. Maybe some barracks attached to it would give it more depth?
But once more, these are just details, and I wish I could make such pretty maps!
Me, I think that the rive is wonderful, but the mill should be closer to the dam or there should be a mill race from the dam to the mill.
Other than that I like it, and as a first city map it's really good.
I also realized this morning that I forgot a very important thing -- the graveyard. That's going in across the river as a walled burial ground (walls to keep scavengers out but more importantly to superstitious farming folk, to keep anything IN!). Also across the river for the lore that the undead cannot cross running water.
Work in progress!
Wonderful map!
This is a very beautiful map, with many great features. The dam is awesome, as is the river in general.
However, I too think, that the stone road textures are a bit "heavy". The reason for this I believe is that the texture you use is not really optimized for this size of maps.
I also got rid of those heavy, clunky cubes on the city wall and replaced them with conical towers, and added a barbican at the front gate and portcullis at all the gates. And I changed the wall fill for the same reason as the streets.
I'll post an updated picture soon.
Thanks again for all the nice comments. My river seems to be a hit! Thanks to Lorelei for the inspiration on that part, as it was her beautiful water elements on her maps that I studied to get the effects and look I wanted there.
Anyway, thanks, again, for the replies.
As everyone else has mentioned, this is a really good map and an even more amazing first run at a city. The new versions of the walls, especially, look great. And the river and dam/waterfall are fantastic! Nicely done. *doffs cap
Thanks for sharing.
I think I may just have to start participating in the Community Atlas project now that I'm confortable and a little more experienced with city, overland and building mapping. Have been holding out until I felt up to it, but I think I might be ready to swim with the big fishes! lol!
Only one suggestion. The shadows on the city walls are stronger/longer than the shadow on the towers. You might want to consider making the tower shadows the same as the wall shadows, but a little bit longer?
I just noticed that the docks seem to have too strong of a shadow. Docks tend to be rather low lying.
Of course you can look at something like this and change minutia for ever.
The public market still isn't as clear as I'd like, but I've decided that that's because of the cobble background the tables and stalls are sitting on. If they were on a solid background I think they would be much clearer. I can't increase the symbol glow much more without making everything into little black blobs! Guess that's one I'm going to have to live with or take out some small houses and move it to a grassy square somewhere.
Sorry, I digress...just stunning!
Really good work - professional quality stuff here!
And looking back through this thread it is interesting to see the progression. It is like a city evolving or aging.
The map looks really beautiful. You've done an amazing job on this one, especially with the dam and the city walls. The only thing I would change is once again the texture of the streets, because they looked better in the previous version. The fill is scaled a bit too small in the newer version, which makes it look repetitive and it adds a certain nervousnes to the picture.
BTW: I love the burnt down houses. I just discovered them. Amazing.