Lite Challenge entry (May/June 17) - Scribble Rock
ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
The subject for this month's Lite Challenge over at the Guild is to map a holiday location.
Since Tony was running alone in the challenge I decided to join him to keep him company.
My ideal holiday location would be a smallish island, possibly in Scotland, where it is quiet enough to spend a whole month writing a book without any kind of interruption from the outside world
Since Tony was running alone in the challenge I decided to join him to keep him company.
My ideal holiday location would be a smallish island, possibly in Scotland, where it is quiet enough to spend a whole month writing a book without any kind of interruption from the outside world
Its real enough in my head for me to be able to fly around it as if I'm in a helicopter, but unfortunately it doesn't exist anywhere else.
Sorry - Most of the rest is home-made fills and symbols and would only appear to you as red crosses anyway!
(I added a few lines of surf to this version, so that you can see how I intend to add the waves to my challenge map)
If you are wondering about the seaweed, rocks and shingle - they are on three separate sheets between the sand and the water sheets, but since they are all home made fills and would probably make a complete nonsense of alternative fills, I've left them out of this file to keep it simple
I had to alter the HSL settings on the sand sheets to make the Bogie sand fill work in a similar way to my own sand fill, as it was.
The only thing you need to make sure of with the ocean polys is that they stick out a long way around the edge to prevent the very long Edge Fade Inner from entering the map at the edges.
I guess it would be nice to have some company - as long as you don't mind the helipad at the other end of the island for getting on and off, food supplies and emergency rescues...
(Its only used once a week)
Quenten - this is a fantasy Scottish island - one where the weather is always warm and sunny, if a little breezy (and therefore never too hot for comfort), and the rain only happens at night time to keep the grass impossibly green and all the fruit and flowering trees happy. Unless of course I'm writing a dramatic scene - then we have thunderstorms to order - huge bangy crashy ones that linger till the scene is written :P
I only wish it was. I can nearly get my lounger out and set up the patio table on that flowery patch to the east of the lighthouse in my imagination, but I can't quite smell the flowers and feel the soft sea breeze...
If I win the lottery I'll see about setting it up
Thanks Dogtag
I think, apart from the frame, I've finished this one now. When I've uploaded the framed version to the end of the challenge thread over at the Guild I'll put a link to that comment here
btw - I know the parasols are the wrong way around in this version. Its one of the touch up jobs to be done while I figure out the frame.
The full size image is here
I always spell that wrong! LOL!
Thanks for spotting it. I'll update the Guild one straight away, since that's the one I'm being judged on, but I'll wait till all the other goofs are picked up before I do the final one here.