Changing map style

I created this map- I like the style but I want to create another more detailed version in a Schley or similar style. Is there a easy way to go about this?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited May 2017
    For a map like this, I would create a new map using the schley template, then use clipboard copy to copy the coastlines over to the new map, and finally, use change like draw tool (right click change properties) on them to change them into the correct landmass style from schley.

    You could copy the symbols over too, and use the replace functionality in the symbol manager to replace each symbol with a similar from schely, but since styles doesn't contain the exact same symbols and you have reasonably few here, I would probably just place them myself. You could of cource copy them over and use them as a guide to ensure correct placement of the new symbols.
  • Cool- thanks!
    It'll be easier to do than I thought.
  • seycyrusseycyrus Traveler

    Please post the results of your transition. I've always wondered about doing something like that.
  • I'll try something this weekend.
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