List of Questions from Me!

So, a number of questions.

I found this place via Googling, originally ending up at What mainly interested me was the Sarah Wroot style tool, which creates the look I am going for. You see, I already have some pencil drawn maps in real life, but editing them has become tedious, and it'd be nice if I could make them electronically, hence I began searching for fantasy map-making software.
I looked around on ProFantasy, but I didn't see the individual Sarah Wroot tool for sale, so...

1) Is there any way I can get the Sarah Wroot map tool without spending $40 on the Annual, which includes lots of other tools I'm not really interested in?
2) What tool would you suggest for making these sorts of maps?
3) Are there any Demos (I only saw one Demo on ProFantasy, for Fractal Terrains)
4) Would there be any way to import the maps I have drawn in pencil into the programs? I have a scanner, I think.



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