Mystery Blur
Okie dokie, so today's issue is a mystery blur that's fallen over my whole map! I believe it happened when I was trying to put a 50% blur effect on a new sheet. I selected blur, selected the numbers I wanted and clicked apply and it disappeared. Blur wasn't on the sheet I was working with, but the whole map was blurred. I've gone through sheet-by-sheet hiding and unhiding each and various combinations, and I cannot find the rogue blur effect! As it covers the whole map I started at the bottom and worked up, and then went in the other direction. Nothing. If I turn off effects or hide the merge layer it goes away, so it's in there somewhere. Can an effect hide or be on an "invisible" sheet that doesn't appear in the list? This is another new one for me!
I have no idea why that happens sometimes. It just does.
Delete it from there, and click the radio button that says 'selected sheet' then try adding it to the selected sheet again.
That brings up another occasional conundrum -- from time to time I notice that I'll get a "no matching draw tool" error message on something that SHOULD be there. For instance, I'm working on a city (a different one -- I needed a break from that other project) and using the Jon Roberts style. I did use some symbols from the Jon Roberts dungeon but otherwise have been just using the Jon Roberts city stuff. Now I'm getting the "no matching draw tool" message when I click on the road draw icon. It's not a huge deal as I have my road network pretty much done and I can fill in with the line draw tool with matching fill, but why is it now not letting me access a tool that I've used all along with this map? It happened to me before on other maps, too. Presumably, I'm doing something so if I can figure out what that is I'll stop!
- There are no draw tool of that type in the current style. Not all styles have all kinds of tools
- You have switched to a different toolbar set than the one matching your map. For example, if you switch to the dungeon tools while working on an overland map and click the Wall button, you will get this message because overland map styles doesn't include drawing tools for maps.
- You have changed your map style, either by using the style dropdown on the top of the "select drawing tool" window, or from the drawing presets dialog.
1. How do I "fix" it when that happens?
2. And how can I bring in symbols from other catalogs without having this happen? I try to stay true to whichever style I choose for my maps, but sometimes have to go looking for a particular symbol or fill if there isn't one in the style symbol catalog I'm using. Even then I try to stay within styles as much as possible -- in this case as I'm using the Jon Roberts city map I used some of the Jon Roberts dungeon map symbols to fill in "missing pieces" that I needed.
2. Loading symbol catalogs from other styles is usually best done by using the load symbol catalog button on top of the symbol catalog window. If you switch toolbars to get to the symbol catalog buttons from another addon, this will often have side effects, like different master filters being loaded and such, and is generally not recommended.
Save it to the apropriate symbol catalog folder, city, village, overland, etc. with an appripriate filename.
Load that one when you work on a similar map. I find it very handy to do it that way.