Buying as a gift


One of my friends wants to buy me City Designer as a gift for my birthday on Monday. I've previously been bought CC3+ as a gift but it was a rigamarole getting it from his account to mine. We both seem to recall being told there was a simple way to do this but neither of us can remember what.

If anyone can advise us that'd be great. Otherwise one of us will bother support on Monday. :-)



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    A products shouldn't be associated with an account unless you actually register it to the account. When you buy a product, you should get an email with a serial number. If he doesn't register that serial number for his account, you should be able to register it to yours directly from your registration page. (Note that there is a link in the email to automatically register the product to the email that made the purchase, obviously this shouldn't be used.)
    Also, during checkout, he will be asked for his email address. He could also simply just fill in your email on that form, and it will be sent to you instead, never being linked to his email in any way (He may even fill in your name in the name field box, although I am unsure if that works due to credit card validation)
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited May 2017
    I think if you click the link in the email it takes you to a web page with two options:
    1. Click a button to register to the email account that made the purchase (where the link was sent).
    2. Click a button to register to a different account.
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