Jon Roberts & Battle Tiles loaded into CC3 and not CC3+
Hello, again.
Have downloaded the free Jon Roberts and Battle Tiles annuals in preparation to probably buy and download the entire annuals package. I wanted to try it out first. The problem is that it seems to have installed in CC3 and not CC3+. It would be much more convenient if everything loaded into CC3+. Or do the older annuals not do that? I installed Jon Roberts as admin but was not given the choice of where to install it, so it automatically went to CC3. I can manually move whatever files necessary into the CC3+ (program and/or program data files) if need be and someone can tell me what exactly to move and to where.
The other issue, especially if I cannot move Jon Roberts into CC3+, is that it does not work in CC3! It is listed in the drop down menu but when I load it and the map screen opens there are no working dungeon buttons in the two left-hand toolbars -- I get overland buttons but clicking on them brings the error message "No matching draw tool."
¡Ay, caramba!
Can the think-tank help a newbie cartographer out? Thanks so very much!!!
Have downloaded the free Jon Roberts and Battle Tiles annuals in preparation to probably buy and download the entire annuals package. I wanted to try it out first. The problem is that it seems to have installed in CC3 and not CC3+. It would be much more convenient if everything loaded into CC3+. Or do the older annuals not do that? I installed Jon Roberts as admin but was not given the choice of where to install it, so it automatically went to CC3. I can manually move whatever files necessary into the CC3+ (program and/or program data files) if need be and someone can tell me what exactly to move and to where.
The other issue, especially if I cannot move Jon Roberts into CC3+, is that it does not work in CC3! It is listed in the drop down menu but when I load it and the map screen opens there are no working dungeon buttons in the two left-hand toolbars -- I get overland buttons but clicking on them brings the error message "No matching draw tool."
¡Ay, caramba!
Can the think-tank help a newbie cartographer out? Thanks so very much!!!
When you say listed in the drop down menu, do you mean the drawtool style menu? If so, changing things here isn't the correct way to start a new map in that style. You should start a new map in the Jon Roberts style using the new map wizard, you should find it in the dungeon category.
And thank you for the information on the annuals and the CC3/CC3+ issue. So I assume that annuals vol 5 and up automatically install in CC3+ and the previous earlier ones go straight to CC3, then? I don't have to do anything when I buy and then install them (beyond standard installation?).
As for the annuals, there are separate installers for CC3 and CC3+. Just download the one you need/want. Just make sure to grab the correct installer, and you are set.
1. In CC3 I click on New Draw Wizard and the menu shows Cities, Dioramas, Dungeons, Overland Maps, Symbols Catalog.
2. I highlight Dungeons and click.
3. New Draw Wizard shows Annual Battle Tiles, Annual Jon Roberts, Annual Jon Roberts metric, CC2 Pro basic dungeon, etc. down to SS2 Dungeon Vector.
4. I highlight and click on Annual Jon Roberts (or Annual Battle Tiles) or ANY of the Dungeon selections (CC2 Pro basic dungeon, SS2 Dungeon Vector, etc.). It takes me through the setup procedure screens to choose map dimensions, name, etc. I do all that and click finish to save.
5.The new map draw space opens but there are NO DUNGEON drawtools in the left-hand toolbars. The OVERLAND drawtools are always there, and clicking on them brings up the draw error message. In the top toolbar there are buttons for Map Menu and Dioramas Menu but NO Dungeon Menu button. This is the same for ANY dungeon I try to open in CC3.
6. In the C:ProgramFiles(86x)\Profantasy\CC3 file where the CC3 installed there are MNU files for dioramas and FCW32 only, but none for dungeons.
7. There is a folder for Annuals and sub-folders for Annual 36B and Annual 54. there, so they are installed.
8. In C:\ProgramData\Profantasy\CC3Plus where CC3+ installed there ARE MNU files for characters, dioramas, dungeons, and FCW32 (ca, ca3, city, dungeon, FCW32). There is a folder for Annuals and a sub-folder for Annual Issue 64 - Herwin Wielink Overland, which is there and works just fine.
I hope that explains it more precisely. To my newb eye it seems like there should be a dungeon MNU file in CC3 and it is missing...?
Since you appear to own DD3 though, you can just download the installer for CC3 and install it.
If you don't install DD3, you can get to the tools by clicking the 'all overland drawing tools' button, but the others won't work.
Thanks, again!
Happy mapping.