Community Atlas - Ruma Helrevy
Hi guys
When I said I was going to take a few days off from mapping the City of Vyrn I did of course not mean that I was not going to map at all.
Since ProFantasy released the Update for the fifth Annual today, which I've been waiting for to map Ruma Helrevy, I used the beautiful Jon Roberts Overland Style on this map.
This is my first attempt with this style, because I just bought the annual today.
The map is far from finished, it will take a while until I have planted all the pines.
Unfortunately the JR Style does not have that many settlement symbols. Therefore I wonder whether I should also buy Annual 7 to use the Midgard style as an expansion to this style.
Does anyone know whether there are Ruin, Stonehenge and Gravemound Symbols included in the Midgard Style?
If you have any comments or criticism, please let me know.
When I said I was going to take a few days off from mapping the City of Vyrn I did of course not mean that I was not going to map at all.
Since ProFantasy released the Update for the fifth Annual today, which I've been waiting for to map Ruma Helrevy, I used the beautiful Jon Roberts Overland Style on this map.
This is my first attempt with this style, because I just bought the annual today.
The map is far from finished, it will take a while until I have planted all the pines.
Unfortunately the JR Style does not have that many settlement symbols. Therefore I wonder whether I should also buy Annual 7 to use the Midgard style as an expansion to this style.
Does anyone know whether there are Ruin, Stonehenge and Gravemound Symbols included in the Midgard Style?
If you have any comments or criticism, please let me know.
Well, then I guess I'll have to stick to the Schley Symbols for the Burial mound and the Stonehenge.
Thank you, RoyalWolf. I think the hills and the mountains are what sets this style apart from the others. The symbols are at least partially slightly transparent and therefore don't looks as clumsy as other mountain symbols.
@Quenten: Thank you! I'm glad you like it, since it is on your continent. If you want something changed, please let me know.
@Charles: Thanks to you too.
@Jon: This is true. Also, the HW mountains too have a slight edge fade effect on them, which is why I prefer them over the schley mountains.
Here's a slightly different interpretation of the map. I made it relatively quick in an hour or so and it will most likely just be use for the description.
1. The settlements seem a little large for the map (to me, anyway)
2. do remember that this realm uses Cornish names (as per my Map description). If you have problems with this, I can supply about 500 names within minutes.
And most importantly - This map is so fantastic, I can hardly breathe -I will send you the medical bill!
Just do get it right, Quenten, do you mean the actual map or the more perspective interpretation I posted above, or both?
I will revise the settlement symbols, but I can't make them too small. Like Monsen, I too prefer, if important symbols are visible in full view - at least with this map and drawing style, which looks in my opinion best in full view. I think it's because in full view one gets the best impression of the interaction between the trees and the hills. When taking a more close up look at the hills, they are anything but spectacular.
Also, there are already some symbols in the map that are almost impossible to detect in full view: I had to use a smaller scaled version of the ruin symbols for the ruined towers. Even if one knows where to look for them, it is incredibly hard to detect them in full view.
As for the cornish place names, I think I just found a reasonably extensive list of names, so I'm good. But thank you anyway, Quenten.
I do agree with you, that the symbols need some rework. I just expect the margin for rescales to be limited.
You are spot on! This is what is so cool about this project. It showcases what all that can be done with this software and the great diversity in the ways it can be utilized; even when using the same style. That is one of the reasons that I am doing the maps for the "realms below". It is an awesome style that we have not seen a lot of. In addition, I use several styles within my designs showing that ProFantasy's software is practically limitless and is a really great product. Each annual adds to your "toolbox" even if you don't use any of the "specific" styles in that annual. I love seeing everybody's work, learned some new methods from them, have been inspired by their work, and have gotten awesome support from the great members on this forum. So, if you have not jumped in yet to participate in the Community Atlas Project, consider joining in... I want to see your unique style! :-)
Thank you, Shessar and Quenten, for your humbling comments. I'll try to find a way to integrate the alternative view into the atlas as well.
I'll try to finish the Ruma Helrevy map tomorrow night.
I tried to combine the map and the alternative view into one map. I also added a little poem to fill the bottom left corner.
Hope you like it.
Great job! :-)