Community Atlas - Vyrn City



  • 1 month later
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    Thank you, guys. I just realized that I have not replied to your comments.
  • Tremendous!

    This is a ridiculously huge work of art. Kudos, HadrianVI, for having the dedication and drive to perfect this in all it's beautiful detail.

    Will you be adding a key? I'd love to learn more of the city by knowing what's where...

  • 28 days later
  • Oh wow, I missed that this town is ready now.


    That's everything I can say. Pretty awesome, all the effort, the nice colours. It's an amazing city map and also a piece of art. The only bad news for you Hadrian: Don't be surprised when in the future one of my city maps reminds you of something :-)

    Thanks for sharing!
  • Here's a quick update on the Vyrn City map. I am currently reworking the fields, because they were too large in the previous version. Also I begun filling up the roads and alleys with additional houses. They are displayed in pink, because I have not yet moved them to the proper sheets. As you can imagine both tasks are not so spectacular and require quite a bit of patience which I often do not have for more than half an hour or an hour at a time. Therefore, the progress is pretty slow.

    @DMG: Thank you for your comment and sorry for the late response. I will be adding a key. There will also at least be one version with little Icons that mark smiths, banks, inns markets ect (The icons are depicted on the image posted above, they are the small dots beneath the scale:P).

    @Jensen: Thank you. It will take quite some time until the map is finished. I am not sure, if I understand the bad news.:P
  • 15 days later
  • This is pure awesome!

    I love watching the progress of these. So impressive!!
  • Thank you, trechriron and Charles.

    I am experiencing some issues with the forest textures because CC3+ automatically selects the texture with the very low resolution. I therefore considered to exchange the texture with the beautiful tree symbols from Sue, but that caused major performance issues.
  • 1 month later
  • Hi guys

    Here's another update.
    I'm finally seeing a light at the end of the "fields" tunnel:)
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    This is coming out great. This is definitely one of the maps I will borrow for my own campaign when it is released to the atlas :) It will be a perfect fit for one of my cities. Guess that is the great thing about sharing cities in a project like the atlas. Overland maps can be difficult to fit into your existing world (unless you can just grab the entire continent/world), but city and dungeon maps are super easy to fit into an existing campaign. So while they are more difficult and time consuming to make, more people would also be able to enjoy them to their full potential.
  • Wow! Speechless.

    Like Monsen, I will use this in my world. In fact, I have a city waiting for it. :)
  • This city is fantastically life-like. Awesome!
  • One of the greates city maps I've ever seen.
  • 15 days later
  • Awesome map. Best I've seen of cities. When you start adding banks, inn's etc; they will need names. We need a name generator... :)
  • 2 months later
  • Hi

    I decided to take some time to continue my work on Vyrn.
    However, it was quite hard to maintain a steady workflow because of performance issues. Therefore, I decided to get rid of all texture and use solid fills instead.
    I'm not quite done with the changes. What do you think? Will you be able to live with that? I know that it does not look as realistic as it did with textures...

    But in the end, the textures just caused too many issues, not only with performance but also with their resolutions. Maybe I will change some of the background sheets back to texture fills, once the map is done.
  • I would leave the fills as solid - because of refresh issues for anyone else using the city (as I will)
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited February 2018
    I agree with Quenten. Performance is important for atlas maps since people will be using the .fcw's and not just look at the final pretty rendered image. It is better to drop some eye candy if it severely affects performance. Have you tried using the texture overblend effect instead of having textures on some elements? When there are lots of individual textured elements (such as the fields), that might have much better performance (although I have never tested that theory properly, so I might be wrong).

    Hope you manage to get a map in for the February atlas contest, either this, or another one.
  • 7 months later
  • Hi Hadrian, we haven't heard from you for a while - are things OK?
  • 3 months later
  • @HadrianVI how goes it? Hoping your research has gone well. Any hope of seeing you make your way back to this map? I've been hoping some of the city mappers (i've already used most of Quenten's, lol) would get back in to the Atlas :) I just can't wrap my brain around, nor do i have the patience, to sit down and do a city map. Dungeons, villages, floorplans, i got. Even overland, i am fair to moderate, but cities? Argghh!
  • Hi, Lorelai, If you are satisfied with my cities to date, can you give me an idea of what you would like to see as a challenge for me, on condition that you do a floor plan in some of my Atlas cities to date. I have found I love doing cities, even if they take a long time, and I am being inspired by some of the more recent city posts here.
  • edited December 2018
    Quenten.....that would be AWESOME!! And yes, i will do some floor plans. Now that the holidays are almost over & my latest commission is done, I've time on my hands. I'm actually working on another floor plan of a Town Hall building in one of my cities (not yours.....a free CC3+ one from some time ago).

    What i'm needing is a city similar to what Sue was doing with Sanctuary....a city on a tropical/swampy coast. I'm going to use your large city, Torstan for another coastal port city. I'm also looking for an inland Capital City. I suppose that i'd like most of all, since there are some port/coastal cities in the Atlas that i can manipulate with some work.

    Where would you like some floorplans most? What area of your world are you most concentrating on? I know you do some stuff for the Realm Works world and i'd certainly allow the map to be part of that, as well. Let's chat :)
  • Floor plans for any building in Torsten would be fabulous, esp if you are going to use it for yourself.
  • 4 years later
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    edited October 2023

    Hi Everyone

    It has been a while. I wanted to come back for a while now, but I felt like I had to return with a finished Vyrn Map, which ended up keeping me from coming back, because the file has become umanagable for my Laptop.

    Therefore I decided to post the FCW file, so the map can be downloaded and edited to anyones needs. But be aware that it may make your system crash, if you have older hardware as I do.

    I upload two versions:

    1) City of Vyrn VIII.FCW, in which i still used bitmap fills and which has a lot of sheets

    2)City of Vyrn X.FCW, which is simplified in the sense that I removed the bitmap fills and replaced them with solid fills, also I deleted a lot of sheets, to clean up the file a bit but in the process some assets got lost and have to be rebuilt.

    If anyone wants to finish the map for the atlas, you are more than welcome to do so, if you credit me as co-author of the final map.

    Cheers, Hadrian

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited October 2023

    Wow! That's very generous of you. Thank you.

    I will have a look in the morning, though I have a bit of a mission to complete myself before I do anything else.

    Lovely to hear from you again as well. I hope you are well :)

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Hi Hadrian, good to see you.

    You shouldn't let atlas maps holding you back. Those are for working on when you have the time and desire (and computer that agree with you) to do so, they're not a requirement. I'd rather see people without maps, than no people at all :)

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Yes - don't ever feel we only love you for your maps!

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