Community Atlas - Vyrn City



  • I do tend, on some towns and cities I have mapped, to use different color roofs for districts on those maps.
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    edited March 2017
    This is in fact exactly what I did so far, at least on the eastern side of the bay. The different shades of red show the historic development of the city. The darker the roofs, the older the district. On the more detailed pictures in this thread you can see that in some occations, there are still remnants of old city walls, which divide the historic districts.

    In addition, the light brown roofs mark the district of the poor and the darker brown the industrial district. On the western side of the bay, the city is less segregated, which is indicaded by the more mixed roof coloration. However, I will recolor some of the roofs to give it a more natural look.
  • 7 days later
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    edited April 2017
    Hi everyone,

    I'm back from my recess on Vyrn with another update.
    I worked on the temple hill, which separates the older town on the eastern side of the bay from Nysted on the right side. Besides that, I mostly worked on the lands outside the city walls. The large green field with the grayish entities on it is the graveyard. The mound you see there, is a mass grave where everyone is buried who can't afford a proper grave.
  • Gasp, you mean Vyrn's Mozart is buried there in the paupers' 'mound'!? The map keeps getting better. I hope to do a building in it sometime (?Mozart's garret)
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    edited April 2017
    Thank you!

    Yes indeed... The chances to end up there are pretty high. This is also true for RPG-Heroes, who don't behave well, especially when they're breaking the rules of law or the rules of the organised crime.

    I will definitely do maps of buildings in Vyrn. But I'm not sure yet, whether I can do it with CC3 or if I have to buy DD3. I have not done this sort of maps so far.
  • Just remember Vyrnian Mozart - he was a very accomplished bagpipist.
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    edited April 2017
    Well, if he was so talented he probably at least got a statute.:)
  • Actually, Mozart didn't get one for decades after he was buried in a paupers' grave, and even now they are not sure where his true burial site is. So tragic.
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    edited April 2017
    I worked a bit on Vyrn today but unfortunately lost some o my progress due to a some kind of error that just turned everything white once I activated the sheets (the error was most likely caused by myself).
    I could not fix it, so I had to redo my last steps from another save. Unfortunately this one is not as good as the first one was but I'll get there eventually.

    Edit: I managed to copy some of the entities from the damaged file to the new one. Hence the second picture. Also, I toyed around with the idea of clouds and cloudy shades. What do you guys think of it?
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I think I like it just a little better without the clouds, but either way it is an amazing map. Thanks for sharing this!
  • I agree with Ralf - about the clouds and the amazing map. Also, I think the scale should be further down and to one side, unless you have something else planned there.
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    edited April 2017
    Thank you, Ralf for your comment and your kind assistance regarding the issues I had.

    And thank you, Quenten for your comment. As Ralf and you suggested, I'll most likely leave the clouds away in further versions. The main reason I started doing the clouds was because I just needed some excuse not to start reworking the buildings, because there are so/too many of them (26485 entities). Does anyone have an idea how to tackle the task of adding more variation to the roof colors - besides from just randomly clicking at entities?

    Regarding the scale: It is not in its definite position yet. I just put it there too keep track of how big things are... and because I have no idea where else to put it. The same goes for the little icons just below the scale. I made them from the Schley B&W and 13th age symbols to indicate the position of traders, taverns, smiths, temples, theaters, ect. but I was not yet able to place them. But this will most likely be among the last things I do before finishing the map.
  • Amazing! I can't wait to see this one completed!
  • MedioMedio Surveyor
    I love how you did the fields. Top notch!
  • Thank you, Lorelei and Medio.
    It will at least take a couple of weeks until this one is competed.
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    edited April 2017
    I've started to add a bit more variation regarding the roof colors, as Medio suggested... it's quite a sisyphean task.:/
    Also, I added a little river into the ditch that is surrounding the city.
  • 1 month later
  • Just's the progress on this project Hadrian? It was looking almost done to me....but I don't do cities, so what do i know? lol
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Me too! I'm watching this with interest - learning from you about how I might tackle Sanctuary, which I hope will be nearly as large.
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    I still work on the Vyrn map a couple of times a week but only a half an hour to an hour at a time. It looks quite finished from afar but when zoomed in one can see that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Also, I'm experiencing some issues with the color palette.

    @Sue: My advice to you: Do one neighborhood or district at a time and move on, if it is presentable... The way I did it is not favorable...
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I'm currently using a very similar method to the one you've used here - solid colour with a bevel - but I'm doing it in negative. I'm putting whole blocks of colour down and dividing them vaguely into houses/terraces using bright pink lines and a Colour Key. I don't think any of the spiderweb mess I'm making will appear in the final map. I just need to get a better feel for the arrangement and scale of my own city, which I think is only going to be about 1/2 t0 2/3 the size of yours. Its too much of a mess to show it right now, but I have standard house symbols dotted around the place looking ridiculously idiosyncratic with the bevelled houses, but I need them there to keep the scale sensible.

    Hats off to you for the magnificent job you are doing on this :D
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    Hi guys

    I'll try to show you another update of the city sometimes this or next week.
    For now I can show you the shield with the banner of Vyrn. It's done completely in CC3+ with the heraldry annual and some effects.
    It will be copied over to the map once I get to do the finishing touches.
  • pixelkittehpixelkitteh Traveler
    edited June 2017
    Awesome! I just bought this annual and installed it, looking forward to making some heraldry. This looks great Hadrian!
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    WOWZA! When I need a large city mapped I know who I'm going to hire to do it (I just hate doing cities! LOL!). This is mind-blowing! Fantastic! Amazing job!
  • HadrianVIHadrianVI Surveyor
    edited June 2017
    @Pixel: Thank you.:)

    @ScottA: Thank you. I am honored:) However, I would generally advise against having large cities mapped by someone else, because it takes a hell lot of time and is therefore quite expensive.

    As promised, here's my update.
    I generated a ~3k jpeg file of the city, that should give a nice impression of what still needs to be done. There are just so much holes in between the houses that need to be filled.
    Also, I deleted the fields that could be seen in previous versions. I decided to do so, because they were out of proportion. I will redo them as soon as possible. As you can see, the outer city has been expanded a bit and it still needs a lot of work.

    Anyway, I hope you guys like the map.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I think I need to rethink Sanctuary after seeing this. It would currently fit in about a tenth of that size :P

    Very inspiring Hadrian!
  • Wooooaahhhh... This is incredible. I love <3
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited June 2017
    *is humbled*

    Absolutely amazing. There's a lot to like in this map, but the one thing that really sticks out for me is that we see the supports for the aquaduct via the shadow (and get a sense of it's height). That's really cool. But even cooler is how you drew the shadow across the city wall and down the slope of the land. Nice touch, that.

    I eagerly look forward to the finished deal.

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