CA62 Overland Satellite & Existing Map in CC3+

Hi. I have the coastline of a map drawn out but started in a different map style. I wanted to use it in CA62 Overland Satellite map style/template or visa versa switch styles but retain the sheets I already have.
This is also in CC3+ & I've followed the directions to bring the CA62 map style into CC3+.
It doesn't seem to have a symbol catalogue (that I can find). It has drawing tools & fills but I haven't been successful in converting those.
Is there another way, other than starting over in CC3?


  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    edited March 2017
    CA62 is part of the 2012 Annual (volume 6), which was just converted for CC3+. You can download it from your account page. Just be sure to download and install CC3+ Update 10 first.

    And I'm pretty sure you're correct that there are a bunch of new bitmap fills and drawing tools, but no symbol catalogs for that style.

  • There is a symbol catalogue for CA62, but there are only nine varicolour geometric symbols in it. If you need information about any of the Annual contents, see the relevant PDF guide for that issue. I usually print off each new one as it arrives, so I can always get quick access if I need to remind myself of something.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    Ah, right, so there is. I forgot about it. The info page for the style doesn't mention it, probably because it's essentially a copy of the "Geometry" symbol catalog that comes with CC3 and CC3+. For the CC3+ conversion, however, I added drawing tools to it (as I did with most of the converted symbol catalogs).
  • Dogtag & Wyvern, Thx. Didn't know about the update for Vol. 6. That will make everything a lot easier. As is- with my manual patch- I couldn't get the Drawtools to connect with the Bmp. fills.
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