Really nice, Quenten! Although may i make a suggestion? The text is a bit difficult to read when over a landmass ( the ?? Hills and lake at the northern edge of the map) - so maybe a different font or less of drop shadow and more glow? eyes could just be telling me to "get glasses, alice"
Thanks Hadrian. I will certainlt at least thin the raods, possibly use another colour, but I hadn't thought of bevel - thanks for the tip. At present it is just a cropped area of the main Continent map with the font changed to Papyrus. Have to finish Peredur first.
My latest version of the Irisian City States, with all the roads and villages put in, plus a few extras. Just a few more structures like towers, keeps and circles, with the entrance to a dungeon complex in the hills, then I think I'm finished. Please give me your critique (compliments welcome, but not as helpful as savage criticism )
Nacon, I cannot see the keep you refer to - sure it isn't a rock? Whereabouts did you see it - I will have to fix it (either by elaborating on it, or deleting it)
Nice map, but I do think most of your city/village symbols are too small. I need to look real close to see that there are some tiny specks along the road, which I think is village symbols. Even your named cities is a bit on the smallish side.
They will appear quite well on the 50Mb map, but I wish to keep things within scale. I will think again about enlarging them a bit. Thanks for the comments
If you want some criticism, I would probably make the roads a bit transparent or thinner and add an inverted bevel effect.
Have a nice weekend.:)