This is a long shot, but can Fractal Terrains work backwards?
Ok, I have a silly problem. I bought Fractal Terrains 3 a few years ago and made a great map of my world. I exported it as png files. Somehow I managed to lose the original FT3 file and now all I have are the png files. I'm quite attached to my map, it's been a while, but now and again I wish I had the old file to tweak something, or at least see the world in another projection. (Right now I'm trying to add rivers and it's terrible, so at least FT could have done that).
Is there any possible way that I can figure out what my world was and rebuild it (beside literally drawing it by hand)? Maybe the png files have the code somewhere in them?
Probably not, but thought I'd try. Thank you!
Is there any possible way that I can figure out what my world was and rebuild it (beside literally drawing it by hand)? Maybe the png files have the code somewhere in them?
Probably not, but thought I'd try. Thank you!
If there is a better way, I am sure Joe will chime in soon.
What you might be able to do is piece together the images that you have into most (or all) of a world map and then push that assembled map into FT. You'd need to paint in the mountains, but FT can sometimes do that semi-automatically. However, without knowing what you currently have, there's not a lot that I can offer in the way of help.