Community Atlas - Island-Continent G "Artemisia"

Here is the beginning of my section of the Community Interactive Atlas. Section G
I have named this island-continent "Artemisia", and most of the names will have an ancient Greek feel to them.
The land is inhabited mainly by blonde tall humans (Scandinavians) with plenty of red heads too. There are elves (known as Aeifa), dwarves (Davarin) and orcs (Grim) - all these are basically mutant humans, but can still interbreed with humans. As well there are Were, some stable, others unstable; all as a result of a viral infection. It is the unstable ones who are the real menace, and they go rabid, literally. The stable Were form civilized, or semi-civilized communities, as do the other races. As you can see all my sentient races are human or human-derived, which means they can interbreed to some degree (though the success rate is much lower than for those who keep to the same subspecies type - a little like Homo sapiens bred to some degree with Homo neanderthalis).
The climate is temperate-cool, with colder regions in the northern third of the continent, and many glaciers in the northern mountains.
I will get round to completing the mountains, hills and rivers/lakes by tomorrow, then the vegetation types before I start naming and placing settlements.
Any suggestions, criticisms are all welcome.


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