Where are CC3+ files for Macros and Menus?
Hi all,
I'm trying to add a hotkey like Ctrl+O to toggle Ortho ("ORTHT"), but there aren't any .mnu files in my CC3Plus folder, e.g. fcw32.mnu?
When I instead edit fcw32.mnu in my CC3 folder nothing happens, no matter what I try, i.e. the command shows up nowhere in the menu and the hotkey does nothing.
The same goes for rclick.mnc in the /System folder.
What am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to add a hotkey like Ctrl+O to toggle Ortho ("ORTHT"), but there aren't any .mnu files in my CC3Plus folder, e.g. fcw32.mnu?
When I instead edit fcw32.mnu in my CC3 folder nothing happens, no matter what I try, i.e. the command shows up nowhere in the menu and the hotkey does nothing.
The same goes for rclick.mnc in the /System folder.
What am I doing wrong?
If commands doesn't show up, make sure you have the right menu set loaded, commands in fcw32.mnu won't work when the dungeon menus are loaded for example.